The News-Times

Danbury sees ‘solid pathway’ to open schools

- By Julia Perkins

DANBURY — Elementary students are expected to return to the school buildings on the hybrid model on Jan. 19, with older grades following in the subsequent weeks.

Superinten­dent Sal Pascarella announced the plan at a Wednesday evening forum where administra­tors answered questions from parents about health, distance learning and other issues.

“We have a solid pathway back at this point,” he said.

Danbury’s coronaviru­s rates are higher than they have been all school year, with new case numbers in the triple digits on six days this month. On Wednesday, 138 new cases were reported, one of the city’s highest daily figures.

Administra­tors used to rely primarily on the COVID-19 trends when determinin­g whether it was safe to go back to school, but recent research and medical advice suggests the schools may be safe regardless.

“What we’ve come to learn is the numbers are the numbers and to focus on that may be taking the eye off the prize,” he said. “We really should focus on the strategy of mitigation.”

Across the state, little evidence has been found of the virus spreading between students and staff within school buildings because mask wearing and social distancing, experts have said.

Strategies to keep students and staff safe have been effective for about 100 students with significan­t special needs, who returned to the buildings last Monday, administra­tors said.

“For the special needs kids that we’ve had in for the last two weeks, it’s gone very well,” said Kathy O’Dowd, health and nursing services coordinato­r.

The hope is for elementary school students to return on Jan. 19, the day after Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, when Brookfield will go back after a couple months on distance learning.

The middle school will return on Jan. 25, with the high school go back on Feb. 1.

However, plans could change based on advice from the district’s medical experts, Pascarella said. The district will send more details to parents this weekend and another update after the winter break.

“This is still a very fluid situation,” O’Dowd said.

Signs, masks, hand-sanitizer stations, covered water fountains, and face and desk shields for some students and staff are part of the reopening plan. Secondary school students will receive grab-and-go meals to eat at home.

Desks will be kept three to six feet apart, with fewer students in the classroom or on the bus due to the hybrid model and families keeping children at home, administra­tors said.

Rapid testing will be available through the school-based health centers for students and staff with symptoms.

“Our plan is to look at our mitigation strategies, make sure they’re solid and in place,” Pascarella said. “With that, we believe that we’re going to be on the right path when we come back to bring folks back safely.”

Families can choose to keep their students on distance learning. Nearly 30 percent of students were expected to stay home when the district initially planned to return on Oct. 26.

Like other districts, Danbury anticipate­s students and staff will need to be quarantine­d or schools will need to close temporaril­y due to cases and exposures.

“There will be potential for disruption,” Pascarella said.

When the district learns of a positive case, officials will contact trace to determine who came in “close contact” with the student or staff member, O’Dowd said. People are considered close contacts if they recently were within six feet of the sick person for 15 cumulative minutes.

State guidelines require those exposed to quarantine for 14 days, although state officials are reviewing the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s recent change that recommends people quarantine for seven to 10 days, she said.

Families must monitor their children for symptoms before each school day, O’Dowd said. Thermomete­rs have been donated for families that do not have one, she said.

“Do not send your child to school if they are sick,” she said.

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