The News-Times

Transphobi­a, hostility about protesters in private cop group


In a private Facebook group called the Pittsburgh Area Police Breakroom, many current and retired officers spent the year criticizin­g chiefs who took a knee or officers who marched with Black Lives Matter protesters, whom they called “terrorists” or “thugs.” They made transphobi­c posts and bullied members who supported anti-police brutality protesters or Joe Biden in a forum billed as a place officers can “decompress, rant, share ideas.”

Many of the deluge of daily posts were jokes about the hardships of being officers, memorials to deceased colleagues or conversati­ons about training and equipment. But over the group’s almost four-year existence, a few dozen members became more vocal with posts that shifted toward proDonald Trump memes and harsh criticism of anyone perceived to support so-called “demoncrats,” Black Lives Matter or coronaviru­s safety measures.

In June, Tim Huschak, a corporal at the Borough of Lincoln Police Department, posted a screenshot of an Allegheny County 911 dispatcher’s Facebook page indicating that the phrase “Blue Lives Matter” used by law enforcemen­t supporters is not equivalent to the slogan “Black Lives Matter” because policing is a choice, not a fact of birth. He wrote: “Many negative posts on police. And we should trust her with our lives???”

Some angry members rallied quickly and organized phone calls to her supervisor demanding she be fired.

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