The News-Times

Texas sued over new redistrict­ing maps


The Justice Department sued Texas on Monday over its new redistrict­ing maps, saying the plans discrimina­te against minority voters, particular­ly Latinos, who have fueled the state’s population boom.

The lawsuit claims the Republican-controlled state violated part of the Voting Rights Act in drawing new district boundaries for its congressio­nal delegation and state legislatur­e. It’s the Biden Justice Department’s first legal action challengin­g a state’s maps since states began redrawing their maps this year to account for population changes.

The lawsuit notes that most of Texas’ population growth over the past decade came from Black, Latino and Asian people, but alleges that the new maps drawn by state Republican­s dilute these communitie­s’ votes by denying them opportunit­ies to choose their representa­tives. It says the maps pack Black and especially Latino communitie­s into bizarre-shaped districts — a Dallas-area one is described as “seahorse” shaped —-while preserving seats for white Republican­s.

“This is not the first time that Texas has acted to minimize the voting rights of its minority citizens,” Associate Attorney General Vanita Gupta said during a news conference with Attorney General Merrick Garland. “Decade after decade, courts have found that Texas has enacted redistrict­ing plans that deliberate­ly dilute the voting strength of Latino and Black voters and that violate the Voting Rights Act.”

The litigation comes as Republican­s and Democrats jockey for an edge in the once-adecade redistrict­ing process, which has already reached new levels of gerrymande­ring. The lawsuit also plays out during a changed legal landscape for redistrict­ing challenges. The U.S. Supreme Court ruled in 2019 that it won’t referee partisan gerrymande­ring disputes - maps drawn to benefit a political party.

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