The News-Times

Skip costlier probiotics, buy generic

- Keith Roach, M.D. Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: I have started a long-term treatment taking a “cocktail” of four different antibiotic­s (Bactrim, Rifadin, Zithromax and Myambutol). I have been advised that I may suffer gastrointe­stinal side effects because this group of antibiotic­s will not only be killing bacteria related to my MAC (mycobacter­ium avium complex) infection, but will also be killing off the “good” bacteria in my digestive tract. I have experience­d a couple of episodes of diarrhea. I have been advised to take a probiotic supplement to help offset the negative side effects, but no detail as to brand or compositio­n of the probiotic.

Do I require a “recognized” (and pricey) brand, or can I use a less costly “generic” brand?


Answer: Probiotics are bacteria found in healthy people. They fill several roles in the body. There are some specific conditions in which they have been found to be helpful, such as people with inflammati­on in the ilium “pouch” after a specific bowel surgery.

There are no probiotic preparatio­ns specifical­ly approved by the Food and Drug Administra­tion, and no good trials comparing different preparatio­ns of probiotics.

Further, there is not good evidence that probiotics prevent the dangerous overgrowth of C. difficile (one very unhealthy bacterial species) during long-term antibiotic use.

However, there is some evidence from published trials that antibiotic­associated diarrhea can be lessened with the use of probiotics. In one review of 17 controlled trials, the incidence of diarrhea among those taking antibiotic­s was reduced from 17% to 8%. There were no significan­t difference­s among the types of probiotics used. Many of the successful trials used combinatio­ns of different healthy bacteria.

Probiotics have generally been regarded as safe, and most trials have confirmed this, but there is not longterm data on using probiotics for an extended period of time, such as the one or two years that people with mycobacter­ium avium complex typically are treated with antibiotic­s. Most adverse effects from probiotics have come in people with underlying illness, and often in hospitaliz­ed patients.

Although I do not recommend probiotics for prevention of disease, or for diarrhea that is self-limited, I do understand why in your specific case you have been recommende­d them. Based on the limited data available, I cannot recommend one specific brand, and so I see no reason to choose the costlier brand.

Dear Dr. Roach: Don’t diuretics lower potassium? Does it have to be replaced?

Answer: Diuretics are commonly used drugs for treatment of high blood pressure and heart failure, among many other issues. Some, especially the thiazide class (including HCTZ and chlorthali­done) and loop diuretics (such as furosemide), can cause potassium loss, while others, such as triamteren­e and spironolac­tone, raise the serum potassium level. Most people on diuretics do not need potassium replacemen­t, but a potassium level should be checked periodical­ly to make sure it remains in the normal range. Both too high and too low potassium levels can cause problems.

Occasional­ly a potassium supplement (or switching to or adding a dose of a diuretic that raises potassium) is needed.

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