The News-Times

House passes $1.7 trillion spending bill


WASHINGTON — A $1.7 trillion spending bill financing federal agencies through September and providing more aid to a devastated Ukraine cleared the House on Friday as lawmakers race to finish their work for the year and avoid a partial government shutdown.

The bill passed mostly along party lines, 225-201. It now goes to President Joe Biden to be signed into law.

Passage of the bill represente­d a closing act for Rep. Nancy Pelosi's second stint as House speaker, and for the Democratic majority she led back to power in the 2018 election. Republican­s will take control of the House next year and Rep. Kevin McCarthy is campaignin­g to replace her.

He is appealing for support from staunch conservati­ves in his caucus who have largely trashed the size of the bill and many of the priorities it contains. He spoke with a raised voice for about 25 minutes, assailing the bill for spending too much and doing too little to curb illegal immigratio­n and the flow of fentanyl across the U.S.-Mexico border.

“This is a monstrosit­y that is one of the most shameful acts I've ever seen in this body,” McCarthy said of the legislatio­n.

The speech prompted a quick quip from Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., who said “after listening to that, it's clear he doesn't have the votes yet,” a reference to McCarthy's campaign to become speaker.

Pelosi said “we have a big bill here because we had big needs for the country,” then turned her focus to McCarthy:

“It was sad to hear the minority leader say that this legislatio­n is the most shameful thing to be seen on the House floor in this Congress,” Pelosi said. “I can't help but wonder, had he forgotten January 6th?”

The Senate passed the defense-heavy measure with significan­t bipartisan support on Thursday, but the vote was much more split in the House. Some 30 GOP lawmakers promised to block any legislativ­e priority that comes from those Republican senators who voted for the bill and leadership urged a no vote.

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