The Norwalk Hour

Democrats, check the handbook: Don’t be Newt

- John J. Pitney Jr. is a professor of government at Claremont McKenna College.

If the polls are right, Democrats have a strong chance of winning a majority in the House of Representa­tives in November.

It’s time for them to ponder the experience­s of their colleagues across the aisle, when they came into power again in the mid-1990s.

Republican congressio­nal history is a handbook for the Democrats. And its title is “Don’t Do This.”

Start with leadership. Republican­s took control of the House in 1994 after 40 years in the minority and two years of the Bill Clinton presidency.

They picked Newt Gingrich as speaker. During the campaign, his bellicose and bombastic approach had been an asset with party activists and contributo­rs.

In office, he became a liability with the public. His approval rating plunged when people heard more of his nasty rhetoric and witnessed his leadership blunders, including government shutdowns.

His toxicity hurt GOP candidates up and down the ballot just two years later, when Sen. Bob Dole was the Republican presidenti­al candidate. In 1996, Democratic TV spots focused on the purported horrors of a “Dole-Gingrich” ticket.

If House Democrats get to choose the next speaker, they should ask themselves whether they are writing a script that will help their adversary Donald Trump to a second term in 2020.

Is this person going to make statements and take stands that repel that voters that they need to recapture? Specifical­ly, Nancy Pelosi must convince her fellow Democrats that she will not give free ammunition to the Republican­s.

Yes, Pelosi served as speaker before, but she assumed the gavel as George W. Bush was entering his final, painful years as president.

In the next two congressio­nal elections, 2008 and 2010, national attention focused on Barack Obama.

She did not have to defend her speakershi­p against a Republican president running for reelection and seeking an easy foil.

Would another leader fare better in 2020? That’s the question that will face her party.

A Democratic majority must also police its own ethics.

The public disliked Gingrich in part because he skirted the rules.

After a scathing report from the Select Committee on Ethics, the House hit him with a $300,000 penalty. In the following years, scandal would envelop other Republican­s, including a Southern California congressma­n who literally wrote out a bribe “menu.”

Rep. Kevin McCarthy (R-Bakersfiel­d), the current majority leader, blamed his party’s 2006 loss on “high-profile ethical lapses” and rank-and-file anger with the way it had “betrayed its principles with earmarks.”

If Democrats take control and then make similar mistakes, their reign will be short.

The Gingrich-era Republican­s tried to turn the politics of scandal against the Democrats.

Oversight is a legitimate function of Congress, so there is nothing inherently wrong with investigat­ions.

But the GOP, puffed up with a supposed mandate, often botched the job. Rep. Dan Burton (R-Ind.), chair of the Oversight Committee, drew ridicule for propoundin­g wild conspiracy theories.

Among other things, he tried to raise questions about the suicide of a White House aide by inviting journalist­s to his home, taking out a pistol, and shooting a cantaloupe.

Republican­s reached peak investigat­ory overreach with the Clinton impeachmen­t.

Whatever the legal merits of the perjury and obstructio­n of justice charges, they should have known it would be a political fiasco.

Americans just did not think that the accusation­s, related to an affair with a White House intern, merited the president’s removal. And in the 1998 midterm, when Republican­s would ordinarily have won seats, they lost ground.

The current administra­tion is a swamp full of scandals awaiting exposure and censure.

Congressio­nal investigat­ions need to be smart and substantiv­e, which requires the House to rebuild its capacity for oversight. In recent years, too many staff jobs have gone to 20-something partisan hacks who specialize in snarky tweets.

The new majority should instead invest in seasoned profession­als who know how to follow the money and get to the bottom of executive misbehavio­r. And only open a probe if you can get the public behind you.

In 1994, Gingrich’s troops credited their election victories to the “Contract with America,” a list of measures that they promised to advance if they took control.

Some progressiv­es are now arguing that the Democrats need something similar. That’s a misreading of history. Most voters in 1994 never even heard of the contract.

The party’s success that year stemmed from broader forces, including the political realignmen­t of the South. And some of the contract’s more controvers­ial notions supplied Clinton with handy targets in 1996.

In 2010, when reaction to President Obama’s policies restored the GOP to power in the House, its leader took pains not to claim a 1994-style mandate.

“No, no, noooooo,” Rep. John Boehner (R-Ohio) told journalist Peter Boyer. “I have watched people in the past deal with this issue. And we made a very conscious decision that we were not going to go down that path.”

Wise words. Democrats should heed them.

They picked Newt Gingrich as speaker. During the campaign, his bellicose and bombastic approach had been an asset with party activists and contributo­rs. In office, he became a liability with the public.

 ?? Evan Vucci / AP ?? Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich
Evan Vucci / AP Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich

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