The Norwalk Hour


- Frank Stewart

“Most one-run games are lost, not won.” — Gene Mauch, Major League Baseball manager

I would bet that something similar applies at bridge: More contracts are lost at the first trick than made. In today’s deal, North chose to issue a direct limit raise instead of temporizin­g with a two-diamond response. South went on to four spades, and West led a club: three, king, ace.

South then drew trumps and let the nine of diamonds ride. When East took the king, he returned a club, and West won and shifted to a heart. South mulled over his play from dummy — whereupon East ended matters by showing him the queen and ace. Down one.

South lost his contract at Trick One. He is at risk only if West gets in and leads a heart through dummy’s king, hence South must let East’s king of clubs win.

South can win the club return, draw trumps and finesse in diamonds. When East wins, he must cash his ace of hearts to hold South to no overtricks. This week: that first trick. DAILY QUESTION You hold: S 8 4 H A Q 10 8 2 D K 8 5 C K 8 5. You open one heart, your partner responds one spade, you bid 1NT and he jumps to three spades. What do you say?

ANSWER: Partner’s jump in his own suit is invitation­al, not forcing. After you showed minimum values with balanced pattern, he could have jumped to four spades if he wished. Since both your hand and your spade support are nothing special, pass. You would raise with J 4, A K 10 8 2, K 8 5, K 9 6.

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