The Norwalk Hour

Quinnipiac poll: 63 percent oppose shutdown.

- By Christine Stuart

A Quinnipiac University poll of 1,209 American voters found 63 percent oppose shutting down the government to force funding of a wall along the southern border.

At least 63 percent of voters also support a Democratic proposal to reopen parts of the government that do not involve border security while negotiatin­g funding for the wall. Republican­s voters oppose the idea and are the only group that supports the shutdown, according to the poll.

The Republican Party, based on the poll results, seems to be losing the public relations battle over the shutdown because 56 percent of American voters polled between Jan. 9 and Jan. 13 say President Donald Trump and Republican­s in Congress are responsibl­e for the shutdown. Only 36 percent of voters say Democrats are responsibl­e.

The survey found that 55 percent of voters remain opposed to a wall on the Mexican border. Fifty-nine percent say it’s not a good use of taxpayer dollars, 55 percent say the wall would not make the U.S. safer, 59 percent say the wall is not necessary to protect the border and 52 percent say the wall is against American values.

Fifty-four percent say there is a security crisis along the Mexican border while 68 percent say it’s a humanitari­an crisis.

“‘Mr. President, it’s on you,’ voters say about the government shutdown, blaming President Donald Trump and Congressio­nal Republican­s more than Democrats,” said Tim Malloy, assistant director of the Quinnipiac University Poll.

“And while they believe there is both a humanitari­an and a security crisis along the southern border, they absolutely don’t think a wall will solve the problem,” Malloy added.

What did voters make of Trump’s national televised address?

Forty-nine percent said it was “mostly misleading,” while 32 percent said it was “mostly accurate.”

Voters were divided on the Democratic response to Trump by House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer. Thirty-eight percent found it “mostly accurate” while 39 percent found it “mostly misleading.”

Only 2 percent of voters say the televised address changed their mind, while 89 percent say it did not change their mind about building the wall.

“When it comes to the televised arguments for and against the need for a border wall, President Donald Trump flunks the fact meter, but House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer don’t fare much better,” Malloy said.

The survey, which has a 3.3 percent margin of error, also found that 65 percent of voters disapprove of Trump using emergency executive powers to fund the wall.

Also 73 percent of voters say that immigratio­n is good for the country and 63 percent don’t believe undocument­ed immigrants are more likely than American citizens to commit crimes.

The poll also saw support for stricter gun controls measures drop slightly from a high in February 2018, the same month as the Parkland shooting.

The poll found 56 percent of voters support stricter gun laws, while 40 percent oppose them. Support in February 2018 for stricter gun laws was at 66 percent.

Still, 92 percent of voters support background checks for all purchases, which is down from 97 percent in February 2018.

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