The Norwalk Hour

In-law troubles threaten to explode

- Amy Dickinson

Dear Amy: I have a problem with my brother’s wife. She has always been rude to me, my siblings and our parents.

I have never tolerated her rudeness, so she usually just avoids me. The other day, she said something very nasty to me. I very calmly and firmly told her that I would not allow her to speak to me like that. She got angry, but seemed to get over it quickly.

When she and my brother prepared to leave, she came over to me and threatened to “break every bone in my body” if I ever spoke to her like that again. I was shocked.

She stormed out of the house before I could respond. She has crossed a line. I will not tolerate threats and bullying. I talked to my siblings about it and they all agree that I should say something, but they said that they will not take sides because they want to keep the peace.

I was hoping we could all come together to let her know that we won’t tolerate her rudeness and bullying, but it looks like I’m on my own.

Amy, how should I handle this? Should I speak directly to her about it, or should I speak to my brother? I’m not even sure what to say (I’m very bad at confrontat­ion).

Won’t Be Bullied

Dear Won’t Be Bullied: Tossing a threat-grenade and then fleeing the scene is really an offensive (and cowardly) version of having the last word.

There are many ways to stand up to a bully. One way is to understand that her threat was actually a pathetic gasp. You could feel sorry for her, because she can’t control her emotions or anger, and sorry for your brother, who has chosen to live with her. Feeling compassion and continuing to be vigilant, calm and responsive in the moment is one path to take.

If you respond to your sister-in-law’s statement after the fact, understand that she will find a way to up the ante and stir up more drama.

Keep your statement simple, calm and focused on the natural consequenc­es of her actions: “I was completely shocked that you would threaten me with physical violence. I can tell that you are very upset because I’ve decided not to tolerate your bad treatment. I understand that there are times when we will be in the same space. Keeping our distance works for me. But I’m letting you know that if you ever do that again, I’ll take your threat very seriously.”

Ask Amy,

P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. e-mail:

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