The Norwalk Hour

Apathy destructiv­e to democracy

- By Michael Salit Michael Salit is a resident of Wilton.

Wilton is like too many localities around America. The voting public grows more apathetic over time. I hesitated to send along this commentary for it will likely be read by the people it’s not primarily intended for (preaching to the choir) — the voters in this year’s Annual Town Meeting. It’s meant for the approximat­ely 90 percent who just make no effort to stay informed or participat­e in the process. Unfortunat­ely, they who should will not read my words.

Shame on them for abrogating their responsibi­lity as citizens to be informed, then step up and be counted.

Including the American Revolution, more than 1,354,000 people have lost their lives fighting for our country. Again, including the American Revolution some 1,450,000 plus people have been seriously wounded in defense of our country. It is also true there are a countless number of people whose lives have been directly or indirectly impacted in no small way the result of physical, mental and or emotional health issues related to the support (defense) of our country.

For the people of Wilton, or for that matter any citizen of America, not to participat­e in our democracy — our most basic responsibi­lity as a citizen — is the ultimate disrespect for those who’ve fought so that we have the right / ability to do what so many people around the world can hardly dream of.

During the Tri-board meeting held in advance of the mill rate meetings of the Board of Finance, a member of the Board of Education stated with no reservatio­n that the lack of participat­ion by Wilton’s voters was plainly a tacit affirmatio­n of the great work the elected officials of the town were doing and people didn’t feel the need to come out to meetings and apparently vote. I believe this point of view is completely off base, self-grandiose, and a bad premise from which to lead, let alone establish and grow policy.

In fact, this lack of participat­ion is apathy (plain and simple), and the gap between apathy and tacit approval is wider than the Grand Canyon.

Sadly, this recurring theme of apathy shows no sign of abating. Of course, there is the curiosity of the four-year cycle when people do come out to vote in the presidenti­al election in typically strong numbers, yet for the election that most impacts local day-to-day life you just can’t get the needle to budge.

This issue has perplexed so many for so long, particular­ly those who do make an effort to participat­e, but no one has a true handle on what drives this phenomena. We may never have that knowledge.

The town charter includes a caveat that if 15 percent of the eligible electorate doesn’t vote in the Town Meeting Budget election, then the budgets automatica­lly pass. I have been a loud consistent voice in opposition to this concept and reality. I believe each person is entitled to a vote and that their vote should absolutely matter. When you have something like the 15 percent rule in place, anytime less than a 15 percent turnout happens, every one of our votes effectivel­y has no value. No person or policy should have the ability to negate anyone’s vote.

When First Selectwoma­n Vanderslic­e ran for office, she regularly spoke to this point stating she would be the one to do something about the 15 percent rule. Unfortunat­ely, politics and perhaps pragmatism have kept the Board of Selectmen from convening a Charter Commission, which is that process for addressing something like the 15 percent rule. Unfortunat­ely, to convene such a Charter Commission means the entire charter is open for evaluation and revision. So the 15 percent rule stands; my vote has too often been minimized by it while perhaps saving the town greater problems in what might prove the opening of Pandora’s Box should a Charter Commission be convened.

So what will it take Wilton? Don’t try to be impressed by stating how many have joined a Facebook group to show displeasur­e for school regionaliz­ation. A worthy effort for sure, to combat an overreachi­ng state government that for decades continues to demonstrat­e its inability to contain spending and political pandering at the expense of the state’s financial well-being — and dare I say moral core.

Has life really come down to “the click?”

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