The Norwalk Hour

Father-in-law wants to issue warning

- Amy Dickinson Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. e-mail:

Dear Amy: Do I have an obligation to warn my future son-in-law about my daughter’s mental illness?

Let me explain: I have been married to her mother for over 20 years. My wife could be the poster child for Narcissist­ic Personalit­y Disorder. She has all of the classic symptoms (verbal abuse, constant blaming, hypercriti­cal, shaming, public ridiculing, and physical battering.)

To say that the past 20 years has been a living nightmare would be a huge understate­ment!

Our only daughter, who is due to marry a very decent guy, is a perfect clone of my wife.

She demonstrat­es ALL of the abusive behaviors, exactly like my spouse.

I know what kind of a marriage this young man is headed for and I feel guilty not saying anything.

Most people don’t realize that this behavior is a form of mental illness and the person/behavior will never change.

Do I owe him a more complete explanatio­n?

Worried Future Father-in-law

Dear Worried: My understand­ing of NPD is that it is everything you describe — and also unfortunat­ely resistant to treatment, because the behavior carries along with it a profound arrogance. People who have this push and punish, and then gaslight their partner. It is characteri­zed by the toxic combinatio­n of rage, and a lack of empathy.

I suggest you seek profession­al therapy on your own behalf and make a decision about what to do with your own life.

In terms of warning your daughter’s future husband, you could frame it like this: “Caroline’s mother and I have an extremely challengin­g marriage. I am seeking profession­al help to come to terms with her behavior and how it has affected me. Unfortunat­ely, I see some of the same behavior with Caroline. I want the best for both of you, and all I can say is that I wish someone had talked to me about this before I took the big step of marriage. Of course, I support you as my future son-in-law, and I’m here for you if ever you need me.”

He will most likely reject this. When this conversati­on gets back to your daughter and wife, you will be belittled and blamed.

Only undertake this task if you feel prepared and can do so safely.

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