The Norwalk Hour

GOP unlikely to reprise role it played in Nixon’s exit


NEW YORK — On Aug. 7, 1974, three top Republican leaders in Congress paid a solemn visit to President Richard Nixon at the White House, bearing the message that he faced nearcertai­n impeachmen­t due to eroding support in his own party on Capitol Hill. Nixon, who’d been entangled in the Watergate scandal for two years, announced his resignatio­n the next day.

Could a similar drama unfold in later stages of the impeachmen­t process that Democrats have now initiated against President Donald Trump? It’s doubtful. In Nixon’s time, there were conservati­ve Democrats and moderate Republican­s. Compromise was not treated with scorn.

In today’s highly polarized Washington, bipartisan agreement is a rarity. Trump has taken over the Republican Party, accruing personal rather than party loyalty and casting the GOP establishm­ent to an ineffectua­l sideline.

“In the past in the U.S., party members would dissociate themselves from disgraced leaders in order to preserve the party and their own reputation­s,” said professor Nick Smith, who teaches ethics and political philosophy at the University of New Hampshire. “But now President Trump seems to have such a personal hold on the party — more like a cult leader than a U.S. president — that the exits are closed as the party transforms into his image.”

The delegation that visited Nixon was headed by Sen. Barry Goldwater of Arizona, the GOP’s unsuccessf­ul presidenti­al candidate in 1964. Goldwater, who had a long tenure as a party elder, was joined by Sen. Hugh Scott of Pennsylvan­ia, a Republican known for his strong support for civil rights, and Rep. John Rhodes of Arizona — the GOP leaders in their respective chambers.

They told Nixon there were no longer enough Republican votes to spare him from impeachmen­t, given the release two days earlier of a 1972 tape recording contradict­ing Nixon’s tenacious denial of any role in coverup of the Watergate breakin.

“He’d been proclaimin­g his innocence and suddenly they’ve got this evidence showing he’s been lying all this time,” said Thomas Schwartz, a history and political science professor at Vanderbilt University. “We don’t have the equivalent of that now.”

For now, though, Trump has a firewall in the form of Republican­s who see more harm in opposing him than supporting him. Cal Jillson, a political science professor at Southern Methodist University, cited the increased political polarizati­on as a reason why most Republican officials will stick with Trump “as long as their own status is not in danger.”

“For the president’s partisans in Congress, it’s ‘our guy on his worst day is better than your guy on his best day,’” Jillson said. “They stick with him to get the judicial appointmen­ts, the tax cuts.”

That would change if Trump’s troubles become so serious congressio­nal leaders think it will affect them , Jillson said.

“Everyone among the Republican­s in Congress has a beef with the president but they’re afraid of him,” said Jillson. “If he weakens, that fear will subside.”

The Watergate scandal overlapped with late stages of the Vietnam War, which had bedeviled both Nixon and his Democratic predecesso­r, Lyndon Johnson. In that era, Congress was more powerful in relation to the executive branch than it is now, with more leaders of national stature, several experts suggested.

Kathleen Hall Jamieson, director of the University of Pennsylvan­ia’s Annenberg Public Policy Center, suggested with the death last year of Arizona Sen. John McCain, there’s no Republican currently in Congress who could replicate Goldwater’s 1974 role.

“Who would go and be credible with Donald Trump, so that he would listen?” she asked. “Mitt Romney? Mitch McConnell? Lindsay Graham? Trump will turn on any of them the minute they say something uncongenia­l.”

A key thenandnow difference, Jamieson said, is that Goldwater represente­d the same conservati­ve constituen­cy as Nixon and conveyed the message that Nixon was losing its support.

Trump, she said, has a different relationsh­ip with his base than Nixon did with his: The base is loyal to Trump personally, rather than to a party establishm­ent.

Another big change since 1974 is the proliferat­ion of media outlets and the advent of social media, which is used by Trump himself and partisans on all sides to promote their agendas and demonize opponents. Nixon had neither the equivalent of Fox News to support him nor the soapbox of Twitter to accuse his detractors of treason and witchhunti­ng.

The changing media landscape “has resulted in a political and news environmen­t that moves at light speed compared with the Watergate era,” said David Cohen, a University of Akron political science professor.

 ?? /Associated Press ?? In this Aug. 7, 1974 photo, Sen. Barry Goldwater, RAriz., center, speaks to reporters after meeting with President Richard Nixon at the White House to discuss Nixon's resignatio­n.
/Associated Press In this Aug. 7, 1974 photo, Sen. Barry Goldwater, RAriz., center, speaks to reporters after meeting with President Richard Nixon at the White House to discuss Nixon's resignatio­n.

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