The Norwalk Hour

EKG can reveal previous heart attack

- Keith Roach, M.D.

Dear Dr. Roach: When I went to my new doctor, whom I like very much, I found that they do a lot of things in their office for which I would normally be sent elsewhere. The nurse drew four vials of blood and gave me an EKG.

The EKG showed I had a heart attack sometime in the past. After thinking about it, I decided it was in 2010. My friend and I were driving home and I thought I had heartburn. I had terrible pain in my chest, but I managed to drop my friend off at her house and get myself home. I could have passed out and killed us both. What a scary thought!

Could you explain how EKGs show past history? I always thought it was a determinat­ion of your present condition.


Answer: The electrocar­diogram looks at the electrical impulses in the heart. It is a critical tool for evaluating rhythm disturbanc­es. Despite its limitation­s, it is a useful tool for looking at problems with blood flow to the heart. The EKG can show changes consistent with poor blood flow to a specific area of the heart (called ischemia, the cause of angina). These are different from the EKG changes of injury, when the heart cells are dying — which is what happens with a heart attack. Over time, the injured cells die completely and form a scar. The scar may have yet another type of EKG finding. The EKG you had with your new doctor was likely this last one, consistent with a scar. So, the EKG can show both your present condition and your past, but it isn’t terribly good at determinin­g how long ago the damage might have occurred.

I can’t say whether your 2010 episode was a heart attack or if it really was heartburn, but there are at least two lessons. The first is that unexpected chest discomfort should prompt an evaluation. It’s far better to be reassured everything is OK than take the chance of having a catastroph­ic event. The second is that the EKG isn’t perfect, and your doctor may want to do further testing to examine whether you are at risk for a heart attack now. The more risk factors you have for heart disease, the more likely the EKG was correct.

Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

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