The Norwalk Hour

Jordan may be the greatest, but LeBron’s voice resonates more


CHICAGO — At the end of LeBron James’ first season in Miami, I was watching the Heat and Mavericks play Game 6 of the 2011 NBA Finals while eating dinner in a hotel bar at the Philadelph­ia airport.

I don’t remember much about the game, but I’ll never forget that the bar was filled with business travelers and vacationer­s rooting for the Mavericks. And when they pulled out a 105-95 win to take the championsh­ip, the bar erupted in cheers and strangers highfived each other.

None of us was a Mavericks fan. All of us wanted to see James denied his championsh­ip.

It’s funny how one ill-advised decision can color everyone’s perception­s about your character. Unfortunat­ely for James, many sports fans defined him by “The Decision,” the hourlong ESPN show in July 2010 during which he announced his plans to leave Cleveland and “take my talents to South Beach.”

James was labeled an egomaniac who wanted to form a superteam to win multiple titles and surpass Michael Jordan’s Bulls dynasty instead of doing it the old-fashioned way — by waiting for your team’s general manager to surround the superstar with enough talent through the draft, trades and free agency.

Forbes labeled James “America’s Most Disliked Athlete” in 2012, and the Heat became the Yankees of the NBA, the team you loved to hate. James wound up winning two titles in four years in Miami and another with the Cavaliers upon his return.

But he’ll probably never catch Jordan, even though Bulls management’s decision to end their reign after 1998, as depicted in the final scenes of “The Last Dance,” limited Jordan to six titles.

In an interview about “The Last Dance” on Uninterrup­ted’s YouTube channel, James agreed with Jordan’s assertion that the Bulls should’ve had the opportunit­y to win No. 7.

“It was like, damn, Mike made six, and the fashion that he won six, does he go for it again and see if anyone can knock him off that pedestal of being not only the greatest player in the world, but also the greatest team at that point in time?” James said. “You definitely would’ve loved to see him go for seven.

“When we were watching Michael in the ’98 Finals, we were like: ‘He was nowhere near washed ... he’s nowhere near being on his last leg. This (bleep) can still go. He’s still the best player in the world.’ And I’m watching that in ’98 at 14 years of age and going, ‘Wow, Mike is still the best player in the world at 35 years old.’ ”

James is now 35 and inarguably the best player in the world. Inevitably, the ESPN documentar­y sparked the old debate over who is the greatest player of all time, and it left most viewers with the impression it’s an open-and-shut case.

If James felt slighted, it didn’t show during his interview. He toasted the documentar­y with a glass of wine, said he was “sad” to see it end and called Jordan his “inspiratio­n” while growing up in Akron, Ohio. James told Uninterrup­ted he was distraught when Jordan first retired in 1993, saying watching MJ on WGN-9 helped him get through some “dark days” during his childhood.

“People say you were only 9 years old, but there are a lot of dark days when you grow up the way I grew up and you’re part of a single-parent household,” he said. “Every other day, if I got an opportunit­y on WGN (to) watch Mike, it gave me another boost of life. It made me feel like I can make it out of this situation.”

Over the last several years, James has won back some fans he turned off when making “The Decision” in 2010. And for kids with no preconceiv­ed notions about his image from that misstep, idolizing James is a no-brainer.

James is the NBA, and his penchant for speaking out on social issues has made me respect him even more. I’m glad he doesn’t “shut up and dribble,” as a Fox News personalit­y advised James to do in 2018 when he voiced an opinion she didn’t share.

James thanked her for inadverten­tly helping him “create more awareness” about social injustice.

“We will definitely not shut up and dribble,” he said. “I mean too much to society, too much to the youth, too much to so many kids who feel like they don’t have a way out.”

Jordan may have sealed his title as the greatest of all time. No argument here.

But right now, James’ voice is the one that matters most.

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