The Norwalk Hour

Partying now could yield surprises

- Amy Dickinson Ask Amy, P.O. Box 194, Freeville, NY 13068. e-mail:

Dear Amy: My brother is turning 30 in two months.

His husband is planning an out-of-state surprise birthday weekend, seven hours away, where he and my brother and their friends will be staying in a large 14-person cabin.

My family (me, my pregnant wife and our daughter) have been given the option of a smaller separate cabin. So have our parents. Everyone has eagerly accepted, except for my family and my parents.

Our governor is imposing more pandemic restrictio­ns. Anyone traveling out of state has to quarantine for two weeks when returning.

My wife and I cannot quarantine for two weeks and miss work.

We also all live within 10 minutes of each other, so the need for a 30th birthday weekend getaway seems unnecessar­y to us.

My wife and I have conveyed our hesitance, but my brother-in-law keeps telling us how much my brother deserves this extravagan­za.

Amy, my brother-in-law has been known to stir the pot and create drama. He has already intimated how disappoint­ed my brother will be.

My brother and I have a shaky relationsh­ip, as it is. He could write me and my family off completely over one false move. Writing off siblings runs in my family; both of my parents do not speak to any of their siblings, and my grandparen­ts on both sides didn’t have relationsh­ips with their siblings.

I wanted this cycle of sibling discord to be broken in my generation, and not model this same behavior for my children.

Should I risk ruining the surprise by letting my brother know in advance that we can’t come?

Worried Bro

Dear Bro: NO one should be planning ANY kind of group gathering right now. Do not equivocate. Do not draw this out. Tell him that you won’t be able to make it to this celebratio­n.

State mandates, a baby on the way, quarantine, your family’s health and safety — how many reasons do you need?

If you don’t want to perpetuate sibling estrangeme­nt to the next generation, you should coach your own children to always express themselves, listen to one another, apologize when they are wrong, and to forgive one another.

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