The Norwalk Hour

‘Trusted messengers’ fanning out to sway vaccine skeptics

- By Julia Bergman

Alan Tan has heard the misinforma­tion from members of his own family. That getting vaccinated against COVID-19 will lead you to get the virus, among other myths “percolatin­g” on the internet.

The problem is affecting people of all background­s in Connecticu­t and Tan is part of a sweeping, statewide effort to reach ethnic and racial communitie­s rife with hesitancy. He sees challenges unique to the Asian American Community.

“Culturally, they put their heads down and work hard, there’s distrust in the government that comes from the places they originated from,” said Tan, co-chairman of the Connecticu­t Commission on Women, Children, Seniors, Equity and Opportunit­y.

On top of that, they speak many different languages: the more common Chinese, Korean, Japanese and the less frequent Thai and Laotian. So Tan, who is ethnically Chinese, is working with the state to translate public health literature that can then be shared on Facebook groups, in WhatsApp chats and via other

social media platforms to counter the misinforma­tion.

“When you have the Asian American community without a trusted connection, the misinforma­tion spreads like wildfire,” Tan said. “How do you counter that?”

By now, with a COVID-19 shot available to anyone 16 and older who wants one, a picture has emerged of those in Connecticu­t who’ve yet to get vaccinated: younger adults, urban population­s, communitie­s of color, and even those who supported the reelection of President Donald Trump.

Behind-the-scenes, the state has hired consultant­s to find and train “trusted messengers,” people living in the communitie­s where vaccinatio­n rates lag or there’s reticence — and arm them with the tools needed to convince their peers to roll up their sleeves.

Personal appeals

In the last several months, more than 145 organizati­ons and 500-plus participan­ts have taken the training, targeting a wide range of population­s from the deaf community to native Spanish speakers.

The trusted messengers go door-to door in their neighborho­ods, organize pop-up vaccine clinics in shopping plazas, and put up flyers with vaccine informatio­n in areas where people are known to congregate, all to help push the state toward its goal of herd immunity.

They’re told to keep it personal. Share their story of why they chose to get vaccinated. Maybe they had concerns, too. Then follow the personal with the data – how effective the vaccines are, the makeup of the clinical trial participan­ts, the potential side effects and what they mean.

Above all, the message is this: The vaccine will protect you from getting COVID-19 and it will help keep those you know and love safe, too.

Tan is working with other community leaders and the West HartfordBl­oomfield Health District to organize a pop-up vaccine clinic in Shield Street Plaza Shopping Center in West Harford, which houses A Dong Supermarke­t, a popular spot for local Asian Americans to get their groceries.

Translator­s will be on hand as trusted messengers and medical profession­als provide vaccine informatio­n, and address any concerns or questions, as people come and go from the supermarke­t. The hope is that they will convince some to get vaccinated on the spot.

Tan says efforts are also underway to put flyers with vaccine info in differing Asian languages in Asian supermarke­ts around the state.

The pop-up in front of A Dong will be the pilot for what Tan and others hope will be a successful model they can bring to other parts of the state. The next target is eastern Connecticu­t where a large portion of Chinese residents live. Chinese restaurant­s in the Norwich area with big parking lots have expressed interest in hosting a clinic, Tan said.

Vax-a-ton in a Black community

Two days after Josie Wright, president of the Epsilon Omicron Omega chapter of the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, attended a trusted messenger training put on for members of historical­ly black fraterniti­es and sororities, she volunteere­d at a 24-hour vax-athon on Albany Avenue in Hartford.

Two people there asked how scientists were able to develop the vaccines so quickly — a question she could answer after a briefing by Dr. Reginald Eadie, the president of Trinity Health of New England, during the trusted messenger forum.

“We have been equipped with enough knowledge to break down some of the complex informatio­n that has been delivered that not everyone understand­s,” Wright said.

The historical­ly black fraterniti­es and sororities in Connecticu­t are planning a series of upcoming forums and conversati­ons, with Black physicians on hand as experts, and to go door-todoor this summer.

Wright said her chapter tucked COVID-19 fact sheets inside 150 children’s books donated to the Women’s League Child Developmen­t Center in Hartford, for the children’s parents to read, and has put out social media blasts about the vaccine to its networks.

Nyema Pinkney Cranford, vice president of the Epsilon Omicron Omega chapter, who also went through the trusted messenger training, said it’s crucial to get people to be transparen­t about what their “obstacles” are to getting vaccinated, whether it be lack of access to internet or transporta­tion, fear or misinforma­tion.

In her conversati­ons, Cranford reminds them that contractin­g COVID-19 would be much worse than any potential side effects from the vaccine as Black residents died at a much higher rate than their peers.

“I know families where both the wives and husbands are gone,” she said.

You can’t convince everyone

Unidad Latina en Acción in New Haven was among the first community organizati­ons to take part in the trusted messenger program, which was conducted in both Spanish and English and included members of the Latino community.

Volunteers have knocked on thousands of doors in the Fair Haven neighborho­od, among the hardest hit by the pandemic, as part of an effort started by ULA and other community organizati­ons there. The goal was to get the word out that it’s free and easy to get the vaccine, you don’t have to be a U.S. citizen, and to sign people up for an appointmen­t.

The Vaccinate Fair Haven effort, which has spanned several weeks, resulted in 660 appointmen­ts and 292 people vaccinated at sameday walk-up clinics.

Of all ULA’s efforts, which also included virtual forums with Latina medical profession­als, the door knocking has been the most successful, said Megan Fountain, coordinato­r of advocacy and partnershi­ps. ULA has also helped get people rides to their vaccine appointmen­ts and get shots to the homebound.

Sixty-six percent of Fair Haven residents are Latino and 17 percent are Black. Both groups have been disproport­ionately impacted by the pandemic and lag in vaccinatio­ns.

While 61 percent of the state’s eligible non-Hispanic white population have received at least one dose, 36 percent of people identified as Black have received at least one shot, state data released Thursday shows.

Among Hispanic people, the number is a little over 42 percent, while about 58 percent of people identified as Asian and Pacific Islanders have received at least their first dose. Twelve percent of those with one dose are of unknown race, so the figures by race and ethnicity are somewhat skewed but the pattern is clear.

“You’re not going to be able to convince everyone,” Dr. Sosena Kebede, chief medical officer at Hartfordba­sed Community Health Services Inc. told attendees at a trusted messenger forum earlier this month.

“Where should our energy be? I can tell you from having this conversati­on multiple times a day with my patients, there are some people, who you’re not going to change their minds because they have very set goals as to why they won’t do it,” she said.

Instead, they should focus their attention on those who are on the fence and might have questions or just want to wait a little while longer.

“Sometimes you don’t know what questions somebody might have inside of them, that if you would just answer that question then they would change their mind,” she said.

 ?? Konstantin­os Zilos/SOPA Images / TNS ?? In a photo illustrati­on, medical syringes seen displayed in front of the logo of pharmaceut­ical giant Moderna.
Konstantin­os Zilos/SOPA Images / TNS In a photo illustrati­on, medical syringes seen displayed in front of the logo of pharmaceut­ical giant Moderna.

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