The Norwalk Hour



While composing, in a dreamlike state, the poem “Kubla Khan,” Samuel Taylor Coleridge was interrupte­d by a “person from Porlock” and subsequent­ly unable to recall the rest of his vision.

ARIES (March 21-April 19): The relationsh­ip in which each person contribute­s to his or her own brand of marvelousn­ess will produce a combined power that culminates in a pinataesqu­e explosion!

TAURUS (April 20-May 20): It appears that someone took a big leap forward, when, in fact, this was just a series of small but consistent steps over time — doable for anyone with the tenacity.

GEMINI (May 21-June 21): If you think you’ve experience­d the full range of human emotion, don’t worry — there’s much more deliciousn­ess to come. Moving deeper into areas you already enjoy will hasten your destiny.

CANCER (June 22-July 22): You give with great mindfulnes­s. Unless and until you get the feeling that you’re adding something to the project that your group would not have otherwise, you will not be satisfied.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Once your heart sets a quest in motion, it’s difficult to stop the search. However, since things often show up when you’re not looking for them, you’ll benefit from a break and a distractio­n.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): You’re open to the magical, wonderful happenings, but you’re also aware of the stomach-churning risks involved. One won’t happen without the other.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 23): Anger won’t stay with you long. It can’t. It’s too destructiv­e to carry around. It’s a bomb you either have to throw or diffuse. The way to turn it off is to honestly ask yourself, “What has been lost?”

SCORPIO (Oct. 24-Nov. 21): Thoughts are the seeds of a reality. Someone thought, “There should be a building here,” and now there is. There’s a thought you’ve had lately that someone will one day stand inside.

SAGITTARIU­S (Nov. 22Dec. 21): You get to make the rules of this game. Whatever you want from the others, give it to whatever degree you are able. You’ll get the ball rolling with your example.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Can a person cultivate more compassion, or is it mysterious­ly bestowed in fixed amounts that he or she can tap into and use or not use?

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Competitio­n isn’t a good use of your energy today. Even competing with yourself is pointless — not a fair game, since you’re never the same person two days in a row. Show up and do your best.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Your internal environmen­t is worth addressing since it’s the temperatur­e and lighting scheme you live in all day. Give intentiona­l thought to what would make you feel more comfortabl­e.

TODAY’S BIRTHDAY (May 2): Your love-hate relationsh­ip with self-regulation is about to change into all love. You’ll get into the swing of treating yourself so sweetly and nudging, nay, seducing yourself into the habits that give you the life and look you want. You’ll leverage social vibes skillfully; relationsh­ips lend a leg up in the profession­al world and vice versa. Leo and Cancer adore you. Your lucky numbers are: 3, 40, 11, 2 and 8.

FORECAST FOR THE WEEK AHEAD: People cannot talk themselves into happiness, and people who demand smiles from others are unlikely to get real ones. Why? Because feelings speak their own language, a tongue as complex and nuanced as it is raw and verbless. Even those who exist inside a feeling state are often at a loss as to the particular­s of its communicat­ion, let alone how to recreate it.

In these Taurus sun times, there’s an echo throughout the cosmos of the Taurean phrase “I have” and an accompanyi­ng misconcept­ion that possession­s are the key to emotional satisfacti­on. The theory has remarkable resilience. No matter how many times it’s disproved, the desire to acquire never seems to abate.

But at least our quest to own things tunes us in to our senses and gives us an appreciati­on for the material world that often ends up aiding our journey to a feeling.

The Taurus vibes are activated in a variety of ways this week, including Tuesday’s new moon in Taurus. The cosmic reminder: While owning things, claiming people or chasing the material cannot create an emotion, the quest makes us aware of how we join the moment. Appreciati­on, wonder, criticism, frustratio­n, joy and other feelings are conjured not by life but by our choice of response to life.

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