The Norwalk Hour

Critical race theory and the danger of white comfort

- Erin O. Crosby is the director of Women’s Empowermen­t and Racial Justice at YWCA Greenwich, and she leads its Center for Equity and Justice.

While it is important to point out that CRT is not being taught in PK-12 schools, it is noteworthy how educators feel about discussing race and racism in the classroom.

For too long, we have struggled to tell the truth about systemic racism in this county. It has harmed us as individual­s and as a society and threatens student learning and child developmen­t. Attacks on critical race theory (CRT), culturally relevant curricula, and diversity, equity, and inclusion only amplify the need for frameworks and tools that equip school leaders and teachers with the knowledge and skills to help students understand why and how racism persists in the United States.

While it is important to point out that CRT is not being taught in PK-12 schools, it is noteworthy how educators feel about discussing race and racism in the classroom. A 2016 study with a nationally representa­tive group of teachers revealed that a majority agreed that race should be discussed in the classroom; however, they felt deeply unprepared to have such discussion­s.

Our classrooms reflect a societal reality. But rather than preparing teachers to equip students for an increasing­ly diverse world, policymake­rs are actively thwarting progress.

According to Education Week, by late Aug. 27 states had “introduced bills or taken other steps that would restrict teaching critical race theory or limit how teachers can discuss racism and sexism.” Such legislatio­n is not about critical race theory. It is designed to deny white students the opportunit­y to grapple with our country’s complex and often difficult history, and it subjects students of color to an educationa­l experience that does not fully acknowledg­e and honor their existence.

When white comfort and approval are prioritize­d about issues of race, it works to our collective detriment. We have seen this tension play out repeatedly. We debated the removal of Confederat­e monuments because white people centered the conversati­on on Southern pride rather than racism that nearly destroyed the county. A Black mother in Texas had to take on the state Board of Education because her son’s history textbook described enslaved Black people as “workers” rather than humans forced into property status to provide free labor. Today, we are struggling to get accurate informatio­n about why insurrecti­onists laid siege to the U.S. Capital because the thought of recognizin­g the prevalence of white domestic terrorism is too unpalatabl­e for us.

Those opposed to talking about racism and systems of oppression in educationa­l settings demonstrat­e a belief that white people alone are central to America’s existence. Too often centering the narratives, truths, and contributi­ons of Black, Latinx, Asian American and Pacific Islanders, and Native Americans is perceived as a threat to white identity and American greatness. Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC) labored, fought, and believed in this country even when it gave us every reason to abandon it. People of Color are not the supporting cast in U.S. history, nor do we exist adjacent to whiteness. We are central to the American story.

Our classrooms remain an importance space for community building. As such, our teachers must have the permission, knowledge, and skills to help students navigate our country’s complicate­d past and present with racism. We know that as early as 3 months, babies can distinguis­h faces based on race. Research also shows that unless parents and teachers talk with children about race and racism, they will develop racial prejudices. When we ignore or avoid discussing racism and sexism, children’s identity developmen­t and social skills are affected.

Connecticu­t YWCAs in Darien/ Norwalk, Greenwich, Hartford, and New Britain are on a mission to eliminate racism and empower women. As such, we remain committed to advocating for and advancing policies and practices in education, health care, housing, voting, and employment that dismantle systems of oppression.

Together, we are hosting “Dispelling Myths: Critical Race Theory and Talking about Racism” at 7 p.m. on Sept. 22. Our panel includes Terrell M. Hill, Ph.D., superinten­dent of Windsor Public Schools; Judge Angela Carol Robinson (Ret.), a visiting professor at Quinnipiac School of Law; Jess Sullivan, Ph.D., an associate professor of psychology at Skidmore College; and Michelle WonsleyFor­d, executive director of the Center for Racial Justice in Education. They will help our communitie­s understand critical race theory, explore the value of discussing race and racism in institutio­nal settings and how doing so supports children’s identity developmen­t, and consider what the CRT debate reveals about our collective capacity to confront racism. To register for this event, go to

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