The Norwalk Hour

Keeping Conn. schools open a vital goal


COVID-19 has taught us not to be confident about what the future holds. We all want to keep Connecticu­t’s children in schools. No one can guarantee that will happen. The one thing we can be sure of when the calendar flips in a couple weeks is that the discourse over how to handle the pandemic will be infected by the gubernator­ial election.

Gov. Ned Lamont embraced executive privileges as if to prove the maxim that the person who walks fastest walks alone. He got a lot done, and quickly, to navigate Connecticu­t through the pandemic’s most treacherou­s waters.

But those waters have turned out to be deeper than expected. The state has been staying afloat for 21 months, largely due to Lamont’s conservati­ve approach to reopening business and schools. The new wave of recent cases has many parents and educators wary that winter will deliver more remote learning. Lamont remains steadfast this will not happen. “Our schools opened a year-plus ago, they opened safely, they were some of the safest places in Connecticu­t,” he said Monday. “I’m doing everything I can to make sure we keep our schools open for inperson learning.”

It’s the right goal, and one we’re confident will be shared by Republican challenger­s hoping to knock Lamont out of office next November. But it’s important that politics not get in the way of the best decisions being made for families and educators.

COVID infections spiked during the bustling holiday season a year ago, a pattern that is sadly repeating 12 months later. Understand­ably, that’s causing some school districts to blink.

With the virus spreading locally, Stratford officials started considerin­g a revival of remote learning, even sending a warning flare in the form of a letter home to parents.

The New Britain school district tried to go remote early in the school year, but was thwarted by the state. State education officials pointed to its latest rules that “generally do not permit remote learning for the 2021–22 school year.”

Someone had the wisdom to include that conditiona­l word “generally,” as rules might as well be written in sand during this crisis.

All politician­s should at least agree for the coming months that the goal is to keep students in the classroom. It’s the safest place for them physically and emotionall­y. Distance learning has also reminded us that students with the greatest need also have the most to lose. It’s not just the challenge to provide computers and internet access. They also need a nearby adult with a flexible schedule.

Keeping students in the classroom doesn’t mean disregardi­ng other safety measures. Health experts still advise masking and, yes, getting vaccines. For the harping naysayers, it’s worth bookmarkin­g that more than 80 percent of the 1,800 recent COVID cases in schools were not vaccinated.

And, of course, there is one rule for parents that’s as evergreen as the traditiona­l flu: If children are sick, keep them home. No one needs a governor’s mandate to practice common sense.

COVID infections spiked during the bustling holiday season a year ago, a pattern that is sadly repeating 12 months later. Understand­ably, that’s causing some school districts to blink.

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