The Norwalk Hour

Democratic bill would set back medical science

- By Jon Soderstrom Jon Soderstrom served as managing director of the Office of Cooperativ­e Research at Yale University from 1996 to 2021.

Democrats are hoping to include a major overhaul of Medicare prescripti­on drug pricing in their Build Back Better legislatio­n. The proposal would allow the government to decide the price it’ll pay for brand-name medication­s covered by Medicare.

Officials would base such pricing decisions, in part, on how much federal research funding went into the drug’s developmen­t — apparently on the theory that the government is entitled to a lower price as compensati­on for its support of early-stage, basic scientific research.

This particular line of argument is the result of a serious misunderst­anding of what it takes to bring a new medication to patients. Enacting it would undermine the decades-long, symbiotic relationsh­ip between government and private labs that has led to the creation of hundreds of life-saving medication­s.

The federal government does indeed provide funding for basic scientific research and discoverie­s in government-funded labs — typically at universiti­es or other non-profits — that does provide a basis for new medication­s.

The problem is designing an incentive structure that balances risks and rewards and keeps the process moving.

We used to lack such a structure — and the proposal Congress is currently considerin­g would seriously undermine one that has succeeded very well since 1980.

The bipartisan Bayh-Dole Act laid the groundwork for a renaissanc­e of the American pharmaceut­ical industry. Before BayhDole, the U.S. pharmaceut­ical sector was at best a middling success. In the late 1970s, for instance, researcher­s in Europe developed more than twice as many new medicines as those in the United States.

Because government retained ownership of the fruit of research it funded, discoverie­s languished in labs. There was no incentive to undertake the expensive process of developing them into approved treatments. Right now, taking into account projects that don’t come to fruition, it takes an average of $2.6 billion in private sector investment­s over a decade to develop a new medication. BayhDole removed the old bottleneck by allowing research labs to license their discoverie­s to private firms.

Under this arrangemen­t, universiti­es receive a royalty for licensing their often nascent ideas. And private companies assume the considerab­le risk and expense of developing a safe and effective therapeuti­c agent.

This division of labor has led to an unpreceden­ted wave of medical progress in the United States. Less than 10 percent of new medicines were first introduced in the United States in the 1980s. But by the 2010s, about two in three new medicines were first introduced here.

To ensure that private firms kept their end of the bargain, Bayh-Dole included what became known as its “march-in” provision. This part of the law empowers the government to revoke a company’s patent license under certain limited circumstan­ces, such as refusing to proceed expeditiou­sly with developmen­t of a needed medication.

Some have erroneousl­y concluded the “march-in” provision gives the government authority to set prices on drugs that benefit from federal funding at any stage, including basic research. In fact, as recently as this summer, a number of lawmakers — including Sen. Elizabeth Warren (DMass.), Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-Minn.) — urged Health and Human Services Secretary Xavier Becerra to “march in” and demand lower prices on certain drugs.

Over the past four decades, executive branch officials from both parties have without exception rejected this interpreta­tion of Bayh-Dole — and with good reason. If the government could unilateral­ly revoke a biotech firm’s ability to get a market price for its product, companies would have no incentive to license federally-funded research in the first place. Why take on such risk if the government can simply confiscate your property rights if you succeed?

Now, however, “march-in” proponents believe they have found a different route to the same destinatio­n.

Under the Congressio­nal proposal, Medicare officials would “negotiate” the price of a drug. The pricing decisions would be based, in part, on whether a drug benefited from federal financial support. Companies would have no choice but to take whatever price is offered, no matter how low. Under the terms of the legislatio­n, refusal to comply with the government’s diktat would result in a punitive tax of 95 percent of a drug’s gross sales.

If proponents get their way, the impact on medical science could be disastrous. Private companies would no longer have a financial incentive to invest in federally-funded advances. Investment in new therapies and vaccines will collapse. We would return to the pre-Bayh-Dole era in which potentiall­y life-saving medical science rarely resulted in real-world cures and treatments.

There is no good reason for lawmakers to march in to destroy an incentive structure that has been driving a Golden Age of medical advances. Please stop and consider the unintended consequenc­es before proceeding down this risky path.

 ?? Associated Press file photo ?? Xavier Becerra testifies during a hearing on his nomination to be secretary of Health and Human Services last year.
Associated Press file photo Xavier Becerra testifies during a hearing on his nomination to be secretary of Health and Human Services last year.

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