The Norwalk Hour

Only women are invited to wedding

- Jeanne Phillips Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 96440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

Dear Abby: My niece is getting married this spring, which has created a dilemma for my family. When the save-the-date cards went out, she addressed them only to the women in the family. We thought it was a mistake at first, but now the invitation­s have arrived, and they are also addressed to the women only. My husband and my son (her first cousin) feel slighted. My son’s wife was invited, but she doesn’t know the bride at all. It seems the bride has a limited number of guests she can invite for the venue. She also has a large number of friends and the groom’s family attending.

Out of respect for my son and my husband — and a son-in-law who was also excluded — we all will respond that we will not attend. I feel terrible not being able to see my niece walk down the aisle, but I’m not used to my spouse being ignored. Am I doing the right thing?

Puzzled in Florida

Dear Puzzled: Before you refuse the wedding invitation, call your niece and ask if she is intentiona­lly excluding the men. Because women make most of the social arrangemen­ts, she may not have realized that EACH guest’s name must appear on the invitation. Rather than an attempt to exclude family members because their chromosome­s are not the same as hers, this may simply have been an etiquette boo-boo.

Dear Abby: I have been married for 35 years and have a recurring problem with no solution in sight. My wife sets frozen meat on the counter to thaw. She says she can’t count on thawing it in the fridge because it takes too long and interferes with her meal planning. Her mother has always done it this way, and no one has ever gotten sick. I try talking to her but it only ends up in a fight. Any suggestion­s would be appreciate­d.

Risky in Illinois

Dear Risky: The Food and Drug Administra­tion has issued guidelines about food preparatio­n because people have gotten VERY sick when it wasn’t done properly. Over the last 10 or 15 years, conditions in some of our slaughterh­ouses and agricultur­al operations have deteriorat­ed, and consumers have died because of it. Whether you can convince your wife to change her ways, I can’t predict. But you might be doing her a favor if you visit and print out some informatio­n for her and your mother-inlaw. Better to be safe than sorry.

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