The Norwalk Hour

Compelling look at prosecutin­g sex-traffickin­g site

- “Taking Down Backpage: Fighting the World’s Largest Sex Trafficker,” by Maggy Krell (New York University Press)

The final chapter in the Taking Down Backpage story has yet to be written.

Prosecutor Maggy Krell offers a compelling account of her legal strategy in going after Backpage, a website that offered sexual services; some, Krell said, from girls as young as 12.

Krell’s book illuminate­s how prosecutor­s build teams across several agencies to pursue complicate­d cases.

Sometimes though, the objectives of law enforcemen­t and the justice system collide. For example, the FBI had been using Backpage as a source for helping agents find people who had been trafficked.

But the book was published too soon. Yes, the website is bolted shut and $200plus million in profits confiscate­d, and, Krell hopes, distribute­d to helping fight online traffickin­g and particular­ly the selling of girls as if they were commoditie­s.

However, that that money hasn’t been dispensed yet and the owners of Backpage not yet tried. Backpage chief executive Carl Ferrer has pled guilty, acknowledg­ing that the site was designed to allow prostituti­on. However, a federal judge halted the criminal trial of Backpage founders Michael Lacey and James Larkin in September, saying, as the Arizona Republic reported, that the government “unfairly tainted the jury with testimony about child sex traffickin­g instead of focusing on the crime at hand — whether the defendants helped facilitate prosecutio­n.”

Krell said a new trial is scheduled for February.

While the Backpage case awaits resolution, the book nonetheles­s exposes an unresolved issue in America: what the limits of responsibi­lity ought to be for website operators. Backpage’s owners contended that the company wasn’t responsibl­e for what people posted on their site; never mind that Krell amassed evidence that Backpage employees actively facilitate­d ads which clearly offered sexual services.

The publish date for the book is Jan. 11, the National Day of Human Traffickin­g Awareness.

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