The Norwalk Hour

Please, Gov. Lamont, it’s time for state to mandate masks

- Dr. Mark D. Siegel is a critical care pulmonolog­ist at Yale–New Haven Hospital and a professor of medicine at Yale Medical School. The opinions expressed are his own and do not represent the official views of Yale Medical School or Yale–New Haven Hospital

Dr. Mark D. Siegel

Gov. Ned Lamont’s repeated refusals to reinstitut­e a statewide mask mandate has created a calamity for Connecticu­t. COVID cases are skyrocketi­ng, and hospitals are overflowin­g, returning caseloads to nightmare levels not seen since the pandemic’s darkest days. Front-line health care workers — nurses, respirator­y therapists and doctors — are exhausted and stretched past capacity. The situation is a disaster, not just for COVID patients, but for everyone seeking care. Not surprising­ly, death counts are rising again.

A long overdue statewide mask mandate would mitigate this chaos. Data from the federal Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and elsewhere show that mandates decrease infections, hospitaliz­ations and death. During the first COVID wave, Gov. Lamont issued a mandate, and Connecticu­t residents rose to the challenge, flattening the COVID curve, and helping hospitals escape the rationing and turmoil experience­d in places such as Italy and New York City.

Masks prevent disease by protecting wearers from inhaling SARS-CoV-2 into their lungs. They also decrease spread by preventing infected people from exhaling virus into the air. In the hierarchy of masks, surgical masks are better than cloth because they have an electrosta­tic charge that helps capture the virus. KN94, KN95 and medical grade N95 masks are even more effective because they fit snugly over the face, preventing air movement through the sides. My colleagues and I have spent countless hours wearing N95s at the bedside of COVID patients and therefore facing little risk of infection. The risk is far greater in community spaces such as indoor restaurant­s and bars, stores, supermarke­ts and gyms, where mask-wearing is inconsiste­nt.

When COVID rates declined in the spring of 2021, the CDC issued guidance that vaccinated people no longer needed to wear masks, and Connecticu­t relaxed restrictio­ns. At the time, we hoped most state residents would pursue vaccinatio­n, but this didn’t happen. Connecticu­t’s vaccinatio­n rates are high compared to the rest of the country, but only 75 percent are fully vaccinated. Hundreds of thousands of people remain vulnerable to COVID because they’re too young to be vaccinated, immunocomp­romised, or still refuse the shot despite its demonstrat­ed safety and ability to prevent serious illness. Even among the fully vaccinated, many Connecticu­t residents have yet to receive booster shots, leaving them vulnerable to breakthrou­gh infections, which can still spread disease.

With the rise of the omicron variant and without a statewide mask mandate, it’s no surprise that COVID rates are exploding.

Connecticu­t’s current guidance on mask-wearing is muddled and ineffectiv­e. The governor has repeatedly resisted calls to reinstitut­e a mask mandate despite the latest surge, leaving individual towns to create their own rules. This means if I go shopping in New Haven or Hamden, I must wear a mask, but not in North Haven or West Haven. The state permits individual businesses to require masks, but without the backup of a statewide mandate, business owners are forced to choose between confrontin­g customers who refuse to wear masks and endangerin­g the health of other customers and employees.

Confusing messages from the Lamont administra­tion, including repeated statements that the governor will not reinstitut­e a mandate, add to the frustratio­n of medical and public health profession­als working hard to promote mask use. Just as frustratin­g, Lamont has said he opposes a mandate because he considers it unenforcea­ble. His spokespers­on Max Reiss recently stated that the responsibi­lity fell to individual cities and towns because “it just wouldn’t be possible to send out the state police to be the enforcers,” as if Connecticu­t residents need the threat of police action to respond to common-sense public health rules.

Connecticu­t residents are understand­ably tired of wearing masks, and some complain that mandates impinge on their personal liberties. My colleagues and I understand the fatigue and recognize the widespread frustratio­n as the pandemic enters its third year with no sign of letting up. But if we wish to regain our freedoms — to dine out again and to see each other’s faces again — the best thing we can do is come together to protect one another and bring this surge to a close.

Connecticu­t faces a choice in the weeks ahead. Without a statewide mask mandate, hospitals may be pushed past their breaking point, subjecting state residents to needless suffering and death as unmasked individual­s continue to contract and spread disease. But it doesn’t have to be this way. Gov. Lamont could issue a mandate tomorrow. He could use his authority to bring the latest surge to a more rapid end. He could choose health over politics. He could save lives. It’s not too late for him to take the steps we desperatel­y need.

 ?? Jessica Hill / Associated Press ?? Gov. Ned Lamont wearing a mask last year.
Jessica Hill / Associated Press Gov. Ned Lamont wearing a mask last year.

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