The Norwalk Hour

Man’s irritation­s boil over into anger

- Jeanne Phillips Write to Dear Abby at P.O. Box 96440, Los Angeles, CA 90069 or

Dear Abby: I am becoming more and more irritated with people. My fuse is short and I’m prone to bursts of anger.

Today I watched another driver run a red light, and I proceeded to honk my horn, lower my window and give the guy my middle finger. (Yeah, I know it was risky, but I couldn’t resist the impulse.)

I am sick of people! They are, in my opinion, selfcenter­ed, inconsider­ate jerks who need to be smacked. Stupid questions also set me off. I have been snapping at my wife and kids, which is not something I intend.

What can I do to get a grip on my temper and not act out the way I have been doing?

Is something wrong with me?

Really a Nice Guy in Michigan

Dear Nice Guy: The “Season to be Jolly” has always been stressful, as is its aftermath, when it’s time to pay the bills. This last holiday season has been more stressful than most.

Anger is a normal emotion. Everyone experience­s it from time to time. But lowering one’s car window, playing the horn like a musical instrument and giving other drivers the finger is not only unwise, but dangerous. These days it could get you killed. For the record, a bad mood is not a valid excuse for taking it out on someone you think has asked a stupid question. If a query is sincere, no question is “stupid.”

Your loss of self-control — if recent — could be related to frustratio­n or misdirecte­d anger at something out of your control. Does experienci­ng these feelings mean there is something “wrong” with you? Not necessaril­y, as long as you find ways to manage your emotions before exploding. We are all human. We all make mistakes.

Dear Abby: My dear friend “Francine” loves male attention and flirts with men, married or unmarried, at parties and on other occasions. I don’t think flirting with married men is proper because it sends the wrong message. I also don’t think their wives appreciate her behavior. Am I off base?

Old-Fashioned in Arizona

Dear Old-Fashioned: Your dear friend may do this not because she’s trying to break up a marriage, but because she needs validation and wants to reassure herself that she is attractive. If the wives find her behavior a threat, they can tell her that themselves, or exclude her from their gatherings.

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