The Norwalk Hour

Fish oil not likely cause of dementia

- Keith Roach, M.D. Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: Since I suffer from age-associated cognitive impairment, I read with interest an advertisem­ent that claims that this condition may be caused by fish oil, which I have been taking regularly for many years. That ad says that “a highly-acclaimed MD” states that today’s low-grade supermarke­t fish oil is causing the surge in America’s memory crisis. It claims that the brain needs DHA, but over the years, the DHA content in fish oil has plummeted and is being replaced with ALA. This is being attributed to fish oil being produced by farmed, instead of wild, fish and that their formula will restore brain function. I’m desperate to try anything, but don’t want to substitute snake oil for fish oil. Is there any truth to that claim, or is this merely advertisin­g fluff ?


Answer: It seems a bit of a stretch to say that dementia is being caused by fish oil supplement­s. The data on fish oil and prevention and treatment of dementia consists of two types of studies: observatio­nal studies and interventi­onal studies. Some of the first, observatio­nal, have shown that people who eat more fish or take in fish oil by supplement­s have a lower rate of developing dementia. However, not all studies have shown this associatio­n; others suggested that only people with a genetic predisposi­tion will benefit from fish oil.

Interventi­onal studies, where one group is given fish oil and another is given a placebo, generally provide stronger evidence for benefit. Unfortunat­ely, five studies that looked at this possibilit­y were unable to find a benefit from taking fish oil to reduce the risk of dementia. This may be due to the trials being relatively small (although one followed over 4,000 people for five years), because the effect is too small to find or possibly because they used the wrong type of fish oil. It is possible that a different fish oil preparatio­n would have been effective.

I don’t recommend fish oil supplement­s for prevention or treatment of cognitive impairment or dementia. A better study showing that it is effective would change my mind. But especially for prevention, the evidence must be strong, and it just isn’t adequate right now.

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