The Norwalk Hour


- Frank Stewart

Cy the Cynic says that he who hesitates is lost — and he is probably miles from the nearest freeway exit, and his GPS isn’t working. Still, it’s never a bad idea to pause before you plunge ahead as declarer.

Against today’s 3NT, West led the ten of hearts, and South played low from dummy and won with the jack. He next let the ten of diamonds ride, and East took the queen and returned his last heart: queen, king, ace. Then West won the next diamond and cashed three hearts for down one.


South was lost after he played to Trick One without thinking. Since the contract is at risk only if West has a five-card heart suit plus an entry, South should let West’s ten of hearts win.

Say West leads another heart; no shift is effective. South wins with the jack and finesses in diamonds, but when East takes the queen, he has no more hearts. South can win East’s club return and force out the ace of diamonds. He wins three diamonds, three spades, two hearts and two clubs.

DAILY QUESTION Youhold:SKQ4H QJ3D1094CA­K102. Both sides vulnerable. The dealer, at your right, opens one heart. What do you say?

ANSWER: I know aggressive players — those who are less afraid of 1100-point penalties than most — who would overcall 1NT. That action would not occur to me, even at matchpoint duplicate; it has more to lose than to gain. The hand is defensive in nature; the best chance for a plus is to pass for the moment.

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