The Norwalk Hour

Decades-long sleep disruption­s

- Keith Roach, M.D. Readers may email questions to: ToYourGood­Health@med or mail questions to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.

Dear Dr. Roach: For over 20 years, I have experience­d difficulty with getting enough sleep at night. I typically get between five and six hours of sleep per night. I fall asleep quickly at about 10 p.m., but wake up between 3:30 a.m. and 5 a.m., unable to fall back asleep.

I have tried various sleep medication­s over the years, including overthe-counter products and prescripti­ons from my doctors. Two years ago, I met with a sleep doctor. He told me I am probably just in the lower end of the bell curve of how much sleep people need in order to feel and function well.

However, other informatio­n I read contradict­s this opinion.

Recently, I have tried to wean off the melatonin and cyclobenza­prine sleep aids I am using. Unfortunat­ely, I am having no success sleeping more than one or two hours per night without the use of some sleep aid product. I am 59 years old and did not have sleep problems until I was 37.

What are your thoughts/suggestion­s on how I can finally break out of this decades-long sleep problem?


Answer: Cyclobenza­prine is used as a muscle relaxant and definitely can make people sleepy; though, I have never seen it used as such, and using it as a sleep aid is not in the list of approved (or even offlabel) uses for it.

I suspect this is the one (not the melatonin) that you are having trouble getting off of. It acts in a similar fashion to over-the-counter sleep aids like diphenhydr­amine, for which I don’t recommend long-term use of.

Among other things, they can dramatical­ly reduce the quality of sleep you get, so you are never well-rested.

Getting off of sleep medication requires a slow taper (weeks, maybe months, and a pill cutter will make this easier) as well as effective sleep treatment.

Although in most cases, people can do this themselves, I would recommend a sleep medicine expert to you. Decades is too long to have this go on.

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