The Norwalk Hour

Cities face education border war

Neighborin­g school districts have some of nation’s starkest inequaliti­es, data shows

- By Alex Putterman STAFF WRITER

Connecticu­t is home to some of the nation’s starkest inequality between neighborin­g school districts, new data shows.

As part of a project examining disparitie­s in education, the Washington, D.C.-based think tank New America analyzed thousands of adjacent school systems across the U.S., comparing the median household income of one district against the other. By this measure, previously unpublishe­d data shows, Connecticu­t is home to 23 of the 300 most unequal borders in the country, including eight of the top 100.

In most cases, these borders are between the state’s largest cities and their suburbs, though in some instances the disadvanta­ged district is a small city or suburb. The border between Hartford and South Windsor represents the starkest disparity, followed

The border between Hartford and South Windsor represents the starkest disparity, followed by Hartford and West Hartford, Bridgeport and Fairfield, Bridgeport and Trumbull, and Waterbury and Cheshire.

by Hartford and West Hartford, Bridgeport and Fairfield, Bridgeport and Trumbull, and Waterbury and Cheshire.

Only three states have more entries on the top 100 than Connecticu­t, and all three (California, Ohio and New Jersey) have much larger population­s.

Zahava Stadler, project director for New America’s Education Funding Equity initiative, attributed Connecticu­t’s prominence on the list to the state’s high level of inequality, as well as its tightly drawn town borders and municipall­y run school systems.

“It is absolutely notable that a state of the size of Connecticu­t has so many of the 100 most segregatin­g borders by this metric, and it tells us two things,” Stadler said. “One, there’s a lot of inequality in the state of Connecticu­t, and it’s showing up in our schools. And two, Connecticu­t has altogether too many school districts.”

Whereas in some places diverse municipali­ties share resources under regional or county school districts, Stadler said, Connecticu­t districts are typically defined by municipal borders, leaving poorer communitie­s separated from wealthier ones.

Disparitie­s between neighborin­g districts directly affect students, Stadler said, limiting opportunit­ies for those in poorer communitie­s. Data from the Hartford-based School and State Finance Project shows that Connecticu­t’s poorest cities often spend far less per pupil on education than their wealthier neighbors, despite receiving significan­t state and federal aid.

New America collected data on income disparitie­s among neighborin­g school districts as part of a national report on the subject, which cites Connecticu­t as being “home to some particular­ly stark divides.”

“What we were looking at is, where do borders most powerfully separate kids from resources and from each other?” Stadler said.

In Connecticu­t and elsewhere, these socioecono­mic gaps correlate closely with racial disparitie­s, the report notes, with heavily Black and Latino districts often poorer than majority white ones.

Though the New America report mostly considers the problem through comparing poverty rates in neighborin­g communitie­s, researcher­s also collected data based on median household income, which they shared with CT Insider. Stadler said analysis based on median household income more effectivel­y conveys disparitie­s in Connecticu­t and other wealthy states.

Jordan Abbott, a data analyst who co-wrote the New America report with Stadler, called Connecticu­t “a really clean and clear example” of how district borders drive segregatio­n.

“Districts have been drawn along municipal lines, so that only further isolates these communitie­s and shunts them into very small, narrowly defined schools,” he said.

Under a century-old state law, Connecticu­t school districts are defined by municipal borders, with local boards of education retaining full control over school districts in their towns. Towns can choose to form regional districts but do so only rarely — and almost never with neighborin­g districts with drasticall­y different racial or socioecono­mic profiles.

For years, advocates have advocated a more regional approach as a way of improving racial integratio­n and economic equality. In 1996, a judge in the landmark Sheff vs. O’Neill integratio­n case called the law granting local control over education “the single most important factor contributi­ng to the present concentrat­ion of racial and ethnic minorities” in Hartford schools.

Regionaliz­ation proposals, however, often face opposition from officials and residents of smaller suburban and rural towns who value local control and aren’t anxious to share resources with neighbors.

While there is currently no serious legislativ­e push for a more regional approach to education, lawmakers continue to debate school funding levels, with an eye toward helping reducing disparitie­s between the state’s wealthier districts and its poorest ones.

Last year, legislator­s and Gov. Ned Lamont agreed to an additional $150 million for K-12 education, much of which was ear-marked for poor, urban districts. This year, Lamont has proposed redirectin­g some of that money to other areas of the state budget, while fellow Democrats in the legislatur­e have promised to preserve the committed funds.

The issue will be resolved in the coming weeks, as lawmakers negotiate a final budget for the coming fiscal year.

According to New America’s report, the school district border with the nation’s greatest socioecono­mic disparity is between East Orange and Glen Ridge, New Jersey. The border between Dallas and Highland Park, Texas, is next, followed by the border between Warrensvil­le and Orange City, Ohio.

Connecticu­t’s most unequal border, between Hartford and South Windsor, ranks 14th, according to New America’s analysis, with South Windsor’s median household income more than three times that of Hartford.

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