The Oakland Press

Transgende­r classmate isn’t ready for romance

- Dear Abby Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY » I’m 16 and have had trouble with romance for as long as I can remember.

Right now I am close to a relationsh­ip with a boy at my school who is a year older. I have had feelings for “Ben” for almost a year, and I found it was mutual a few months ago. He invited me to coffee but later canceled, explaining that he wasn’t emotionall­y prepared, which was clear. He feels the way he does for a reason. Ben is a transgende­r male, and his mother disapprove­s, as do many of our classmates.

Two months ago, we agreed to be “just friends

... for now.” Since then, no feelings have changed for either of us. However, I know Ben still isn’t ready, largely because of his mother’s and his classmates’ influence.

I’m getting impatient. I’ve been in relationsh­ips before, the middle-school kind, and I know how my brain functions. Right now, I worry obsessivel­y about how he feels.

I blame Ben’s mother and classmates for the stress he’s under. They’re the reason for his dysphoria and panic attacks. I’m angry. How can I wait peacefully and get over my bitterness toward his mother? — Crushing Teen in Ohio

DEAR TEEN » You need to find ways to get your mind off this budding romance and channel these negative emotions, if only because Ben isn’t ready for what you have in mind. Bear in mind that he is on a long and complicate­d journey. (Give him props for honesty.) Then buckle down and concentrat­e on your schoolwork, find a sport or other activity you can involve yourself in and, if your school doesn’t have a Genders and Sexualitie­s Alliance, consider starting one at your school.

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