The Oakland Press

Teen chafes under dad’s strict parenting

- — Waiting in Virginia Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. United Feature Syndicate

DEAR ABBY » I am a teenage girl in an average family. I started getting interested in LGBTQ+ and other social justice topics when I was in fifth grade.

Since then, I have realized that, among other things, I’m a lesbian, a liberal and an atheist. This wouldn’t be a problem, but my father hates many of the things I am or stand for. He’s an extremely conservati­ve, Christian, gun-rights person, and he wants me and my brothers to join the military.

I have several mental problems, which resulted in me getting special privileges in school. I use them whenever I can, but


In “Hamlet,” William Shakespear­e wrote, “How absolute the knave is! we must speak by the card, or equivocati­on will undo us.”

Back when England ruled the waves, a jack in a pack was known as a knave. When playing bridge, beware of the knaves. If declarer leads an unsupporte­d knave from the board or his hand, it probably will not be in your best interest to cover with the queen, even if you have the 10 as well.

Suppose declarer opened one spade and his partner raised to four spades. In spades, the dummy holds J-97-6-4, while you, sitting over the dummy, have Q-10-3. Declarer leads dummy’s spade it is never enough for him. He keeps searching through my grade book until he finds something new for me to do, regardless of the date it was assigned or whether it can be graded anymore. I have various restrictio­ns on my use of technology, so I can barely contact my friends. It has gotten to the point that I am worried about when I come out and looking forward to college just so I can get away. Please tell me what to do in the meantime.

DEAR WAITING » You and your dad have very different outlooks on life, and that’s OK. That said, you knave. It is a good play, but don’t fall for it.

Play low smoothly. Declarer must have A-K-85-2. He is trying to persuade you to cover, in which case he will pick up the suit for no losers, later finessing you out of must live under his roof for the next five years, so be diplomatic and keep some of your opinions to yourself as long as possible.

You may think your father is heavy-handed in parenting you, but has it occurred to you that when he goes through your grade book, he’s trying to make sure you know how to work all the problems in it? Placing restrictio­ns on a minor’s use of technology is intelligen­t parenting, at least for someone just entering her teens. Please try to cut him some slack. your 10. If you play low, he is bound to put up his king, expecting a 2-1 break.

However, I once saw a player with numerous world team titles make that mistake.

Now you will have no trouble defeating the four-spade contract in today’s deal.

West leads the king and another heart. Declarer ruffs, plays a diamond to the king and calls for the spade knave. Don’t even think about playing your queen! If you do, it’s goodbye plus score, hello egg on your face when partner’s king drops under declarer’s ace. You will have compressed your side’s two trump tricks into one.

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