The Oakland Press

Beachgoer ponders display of naked angel tattoo

- — Tatted in Florida — Just a Dream Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. United Feature Syndicate


DEAR ABBY » I’m in my early 30s. I live and work in a beach town and visit the ocean often on my time off. I have a large tattoo on my side, and while it’s tasteful and well done, it depicts nudity (an angel).

While I know we’re living in a progressiv­e era of expression, including body art, I wonder if it’s appropriat­e to go shirtless and display edgier graphic images like mine.

To cover up or let it show — what are your thoughts?

DEAR TATTED » If you want to get a tan, then go for it, but use sunscreen.


My vote for the most naturally talented player ever would go to John Collings, with whom I played when I was in my early 20s. He was a Londoner who always seemed to know who had what on every deal.

I called him the Bobby Fischer of bridge. Because he had a broad undiscipli­ned streak, he did not do as well as he should have. He also had a hereditary heart condition that did not help. But he played a role in many deals that delighted columnists.

When Collings died at age 71 in 2005, I wrote up a few of my favorites. But recently Tom Townsend unearthed another with the assistance of David Carlisle — see today’s deal.

However, not all beachgoers will be thrilled seeing a large naked angel, so if you receive stares or critical comments, you may be more comfortabl­e covering up.

DEAR ABBY » I am married to the kindest and most wonderful man in the world.

He is impotent and was taking medication to correct it while we were dating and at the beginning of our marriage. The medication gave him terrible headaches, so we agreed to just let the sexual aspect of our marriage go by the wayside. That was 10 years ago. I was OK with it until I started dreaming about

Playing for money, Collings was sitting West, and South was Irving Rose, another imaginativ­e player who died too young (age 58).

Collings was not content with overcallin­g five diamonds. He tried to having sex with random men. Yikes!

I love my husband and would never cheat on him. I’m at a loss. Please help.

DEAR JUST A DREAM » Being able to talk about these dreams may help them be less troubling and probably less frequent. If discussing them with your husband might upset or threaten him then talk with a trusted friend or relative or a licensed mental health profession­al so you can vent. murky the waters with one no-trump. North had been there before, so he raised to four spades and competed with five spades when Collings showed his long suit.

What did Collings lead against five spades?

Hoping to get a club ruff or two, he chose the diamond three! Then East was allowed to take the trick with his 10. Rose was not paying attention!

East got the message and shifted to a club. But now Collings was sure that his partner had the diamond jack. So, after ruffing the club, he led the diamond four! Rose had to win the trick with his jack, and he claimed the remainder. West went ballistic, and South couldn’t stop laughing!

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