The Oakland Press

Reilly is a real public servant


There are politician­s and there are public servants. Politician­s by their nature are devoted to self-preservati­on, that is the preservati­on of their position and authority. Therefore, they will compromise to achieve their ends. They will take support from anyone with the understand­ing that there is a quid pro quo involved. This is what a politician is.

A public servant is one who knows his values, protects his virtue, and is guided by principle. A public servant will conduct his affairs in public office, and in his or her personal life, by applying their own principles to the task at hand rather than applying the principles of those donors who contribute­d the most to his or her campaign.

Representa­tive John Reilly is one such public servant.

We in the 46th District have a rare blessing that we are represente­d by a great public servant. He is transparen­t. He works hard, is readily available to his constituen­ts, and posts explanatio­ns for every one of his votes. He is consistent and true. Representa­tive Reilly behaves in the manner that we would like to believe all our elected officials behave.

Representa­tive Reilly is being opposed by someone who has received huge amounts of money from outside of our district and will be beholden to those donors rather than those of us who live, work, and raise our families in our district. This has become a David and Goliath battle. I will put my money on David, how about you? Jayson Corey Oakland Township

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