The Oakland Press

Sen. Graham says Mueller may be invited to testify in wake of op-ed on Trump’s commutatio­n of Stone sentence

- — The Washington Post

Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., suggested Sunday that former special counsel Robert Mueller III may be invited to testify before his panel, although Graham did not give any details on the timing of any potential invitation.

Graham’s statement came one day after Mueller defended his office’s prosecutio­n of Roger Stone, President Donald Trump’s longtime friend and political adviser, in a Washington Post op-ed.

Trump commuted Stone’s 40-month prison sentence on Friday, using his presidenti­al authority to undermine the unanimous finding by a jury that Stone broke the law multiple times by lying to Congress and obstructin­g justice.

In his statement Sunday, Graham suggested that he had reconsider­ed his position on allowing Mueller to testify in light of the former special counsel’s op-ed.

“Apparently Mr. Mueller is willing - and also capable - of defending the Mueller investigat­ion through an oped in the Washington Post,” Graham said. “Democrats on the Senate Judiciary Committee have previously requested Mr. Mueller appear before the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify about his investigat­ion. That request will be granted.”

Taylor Reidy, a Graham spokeswoma­n, said a formal invitation to Mueller is in the works but did not provide details on the timing of any potential testimony. There are only about three dozen legislativ­e days remaining for the Senate before the November election.

 ?? ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTOS ?? Chinese President Xi Jinping and Vice President Joe Biden walk down the red carpet on the tarmac during an arrival ceremony in Andrews Air Force Base, Md. in 2015. China has fast become a top election issue as President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden engage in a verbal brawl over who’s better at playing the tough guy against Beijing.
ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE PHOTOS Chinese President Xi Jinping and Vice President Joe Biden walk down the red carpet on the tarmac during an arrival ceremony in Andrews Air Force Base, Md. in 2015. China has fast become a top election issue as President Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden engage in a verbal brawl over who’s better at playing the tough guy against Beijing.

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