The Oakland Press

Friend lets woman take fall for divorce

- — Wrongly Blamed in the West Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069. United Feature Syndicate


DEAR ABBY » “Darlene” and I have been friends for 40 years. She moved to Arizona with me in the ‘80s from Michigan. Her boyfriend drove out and convinced her to return to Michigan and get married, which she did, but she’s always hated Michigan. She raised two girls.

Years passed and the marriage was struggling. I invited Darlene to come and visit to get away for a bit. She fell right back in love with Arizona. She expressed her unhappines­s in the marriage, and I told her that if she ever needed a place to stay, she could live with me. She came out for another visit, found a job


Mary Tyler Moore said, “I’m an experience­d woman; I’ve been around ... well, all right, I might not’ve been around, but I’ve been ... nearby.”

Let’s see how close you can come to making three no-trump in today’s deal without, of course, looking around corners into the East-West hands. After West leads the spade queen, what should declarer do?

South’s sequence, a strong, artificial and forcing two clubs followed by a jump to three no-trump, showed a balanced 25-27 points. It can be an uncomforta­ble start to the auction, so I think South ought to have 4-3-3-3 distributi­on or 4-4-3-2 with a doubleton minor. Then the responder, with a fivecard major, knows it is and decided to stay.

Her girls, now in their early 20s, were shocked and hurt by their mom’s decision to divorce their father. One of them blames me, blocked me on Facebook and no longer talks to me. It has been three years, and when Darlene’s daughter comes to visit, I have to stay away. I think she should do something to defend me. Am I wrong?

DEAR WRONGLY BLAMED » No, you are not wrong. You did Darlene a favor by welcoming her to Arizona, but you were not responsibl­e for her divorce. It appears no good deed goes unpunished. safe to transfer into his major.

At the table, declarer ducked the first trick. However, when West continued with the spade eight (lead first the top then the bottom of a sequence), and East discarded She should not be letting you take the heat for the fact she left her husband.

Darlene should have explained to her daughter the marriage was an unhappy one for a long time, and regardless of where she chose to live afterward, it wouldn’t have been near their father. Darlene and her daughter owe you an apology. Because you are required to stay away when Daughter visits, perhaps it would be better if Darlene found another place to live rather than your home. a low heart, South won with his king.

With only eight top tricks, South had to generate his ninth winner from the club suit. But after cashing the club ace and receiving only low cards, should declarer go into the dummy and take the finesse, or should he continue with the king and jack?

Maybe intuition or experience gives you the answer. But you can analyze the situation. Taking the finesse wins whenever East has the queen — a 50% probabilit­y. Playing clubs from the top wins whenever the suit is breaking 3-3 or someone holds either the 10-doubleton or the queen-doubleton. That totals 64.6% and makes it the better play.

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