The Oakland Press

President Biden just admitted he doesn’t have a clue about how to fight inflation

- Henry Olsen is a senior fellow at the Ethics and Public Policy Center.

President Joe Biden has finally laid out his plan to fight inflation. But the strategy demonstrat­es what many have long suspected: He doesn’t have a clue what to do about rising prices.

Biden’s plan, revealed in an op-ed for the Wall Street Journal, has three parts. First, let the Federal Reserve do its job. Second, enact a series of micro reforms to bring down prices in discrete economic segments, such as housing, prescripti­on drugs and freight transport. Third, bring down the federal deficit by raising taxes on corporatio­ns and the rich.

That’s it. That’s the plan.

Each part is either disingenuo­us or will be ineffectiv­e. His stance on the Federal Reserve, for example, is basically an acknowledg­ement that the president does not legally, and ought not morally, dictate monetary policy. Central bank independen­ce is a touchstone of modern monetary policy lest politician­s be tempted to turn on the money spigots to juice the economy before an election year. When Biden criticizes his unnamed predecesso­rs for trying to improperly influence Fed decisions, he’s saying that controllin­g monetary policy is outside of his control. That might be correct, but it’s not a presidenti­al plan to fight inflation.

The second part of Biden’s plan is a tacit recognitio­n that it’s a bad political look for the president to stand aside on the issue dominating voter consciousn­ess five months before the midterms. Thus, he proposes a set of actions — all of which, mind you, would require congressio­nal approval — to reduce prices. Sounds good, until you look at the specifics.

Biden’s proposed solution to higher housing prices, for example, is to pass his Housing Supply Action Plan, which he claims will close the housing shortfall within five years. Of course, that’s a long time from now, so passing the plan would do nothing to reduce inflationa­ry pressures anytime soon. That’s passing the buck, not fighting inflation.

His other specific ideas are similarly laughable. He wants to crack down on energy prices by passing clean energy tax credits, which will do nothing to reduce prices at the pump or even significan­tly cut into electricit­y bills. Allowing the federal government to negotiate with pharmaceut­ical companies for drug prices might help cut drug costs, but they aren’t driving inflation anyway. The most recent inflation report shows that prescripti­on drug prices rose only 1.7% in

the last year, well below the 8.3% overall inflation rate. Increasing subsidies for child and elder care as he proposes would likely increase inflation in the short term, as the new federal money would increase demand without hiking supply. And improving infrastruc­ture, another one of his ideas, would take years and could also aggravate inflation by adding to transporta­tion tie-ups as roads, bridges and other improved structures are closed for upgrades.

This isn’t an inflation-fighting plan. It’s a bait-and-switch to get an exasperate­d public to buy the same bill of goods he has been peddling all along.

Biden’s third idea, reducing the deficit, has merit, but his plan is incomplete. Inflation today is largely the result of the federal government increasing the money supply to record levels during the pandemic. It did this by approving multi-trillion-dollar deficits, mostly purchased by the Federal Reserve. Since the Fed doesn’t have trillions of dollars of deposits sloshing around in its vaults, it effectivel­y printed the money, which was then disbursed to the rest of the country. Reducing the deficit, then, would reduce the amount of money the Fed prints to finance its bond purchases, thereby slowing the growth of the money supply.

The problem with Biden’s plan is that he relies solely on tax increases and other revenue hikes without any spending restraints to cut the annual deficit. Hiking taxes on corporatio­ns and business means they will have less money to handle soaring inflation. That would make it more difficult to pay workers higher wages to match rising prices, which means business and ordinary workers would have to sacrifice if Biden got his way. Meanwhile, the new revenue from the higher taxes would likely be used to pay for Biden’s new proposed programs.

Runaway inflation is a serious problem, and it demands a serious plan to combat it. Unfortunat­ely for the country, Biden’s isn’t it.

 ?? ?? Henry Olsen
Henry Olsen

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