The Oakland Press

Conversati­on seen in vastly different lights

- Dear Abby Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY » My boyfriend of two years works for a company with 160 employees, 95 miles from our town. He held a party at a restaurant located near the company. I knew no one and doubt very much I will ever run into these people again.

While I was at the party, I met a young woman who, like myself, was there with her boyfriend and didn’t know anyone. We chatted for half an hour about the holidays and made general conversati­on. When she mentioned she had been recently diagnosed with a condition I have, too, I gave her some websites to check out for informatio­n and told her not to worry. I also told her that if I can be well and deal with this issue, anyone can. Our conversati­on lasted about 15 minutes, and I asked no personal questions. When I had to leave the party, she remained sitting by herself and started playing with her phone.

The next day, my boyfriend was angry because upon leaving with her boyfriend, the woman told him, “Your girlfriend kept nagging me about my condition and wouldn’t shut up.” I was dumbfounde­d and hurt. I was trying to be nice. Why did my boyfriend tell me? He said nothing to her to defend me. I’ll never run into these people again. Am I wrong in feeling hurt?

— Dumbfounde­d

in the East

DEAR DUMBFOUNDE­D » I am still trying to figure out why someone would tell a stranger at a party her medical status and then take offense if the person tried to be helpful. If what you were saying made her uncomforta­ble, she should have said it to you, not your boyfriend. You aren’t wrong for feeling hurt.

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