The Oakland Press

Widowed mom’s nonstop calls wearing down child

- Dear Abby Contact Dear Abby at or P.O. Box 69440, Los Angeles, CA 90069.

DEAR ABBY » I am an only child and I love my mother. My father passed away after a short illness three years ago, leaving my mother a widow. My problem is, she calls me multiple times a day. I’m not one of those women whose mom is my best friend or someone who enjoys talking on the phone. If I don’t answer, she keeps calling back.

She calls while I’m getting ready for work, on the way to work, while I’m at work or on the way home, etc.

I know I may regret it one day, but I don’t have the energy for all her daily calls, which are basically her asking me 50 questions. I don’t talk to my own grown children on a daily basis like she calls me. .

I have encouraged her to branch out — hang out with other widows, meet new friends or join groups, but because of COVID she’s hesitant. I don’t want to be ugly to her, but the more she does this, the more anxious I get. I have also asked her to just text me so I can respond when I’m available.

She’s a very sweet woman, but she is stressing me out! Is it me or her? Please help me so I don’t ruin this relationsh­ip. As an only child, am I being selfish?

— Inundated in the South

DEAR INUNDATED » It isn’t you, it’s her. Your mother is doing this because she feels lonely, anxious and vulnerable and may have forgotten how to socialize as an individual without your father. The COVID restrictio­ns added to the problem because people were discourage­d from hanging out in groups.

It is not selfish to create boundaries with her. Tell her you will speak to her once a day. Then screen your calls and talk with your mom when you have a few minutes to spend in conversati­on.

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