The Oakland Press

Latest ruling on pill shifts U.S. abortion landscape again

- By Geoff Mulvihill

A federal appeals court has kept an abortion pill available, clarifying the U.S. abortion landscape but not settling it. The court’s decision late Wednesday preserved but narrowed access to an abortion pill across the U.S. It was a major developmen­t in a fast-shifting landscape in flux since June, when the Supreme Court overturned the nationwide right to an abortion.

What’s new?

The majority of abortions in the U.S. are obtained using a combinatio­n of two medication­s. Anti-abortion groups have been trying to limit access to one of them, mifepristo­ne.

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals in New Orleans ruled that the Food and Drug Administra­tion’s initial approval of mifepristo­ne in 2000 should remain in effect, overriding a district court ruling from less than a week before. Without Wednesday’s ruling, the drug would have been unavailabl­e in at least some places starting on Saturday.

The 2-1 ruling came with a catch: The judges put on hold a series of regulatory changes beginning in 2016 that relaxed some prescribin­g and dispensing rules. The decision means that the drug can be used only in the first seven weeks of pregnancy, rather than 10, and it can’t be dispensed by mail to a person who doesn’t visit a doctor’s office first.

The courts: What’s next?

Either side could appeal Wednesday’s ruling to the U.S. Supreme Court.

In the meantime, what it means isn’t completely clear.

The latest ruling came in response to one last week from a judge in Amarillo, Texas, who ruled that mifepristo­ne should not be available while its approval is reexamined. The same day, another federal judge in Spokane, Washington, ruled in favor of attorneys general for 17 Democrat-led states that sued to try to keep it on the market.

Those states are: Arizona, Colorado, Connecticu­t, Delaware, Hawaii, Illinois, Maine, Maryland, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvan­ia, Rhode Island, Vermont and Washington, plus the District of Columbia.

The U.S. Department of Justice has asked the Washington court for clarity on its ruling. It’s also not clear what the 5th Circuit decision means for it.

In the meantime, some Democrat-controlled states are stockpilin­g abortion pills, while Wyoming last month became the first state to explicitly prohibit abortion drugs.

The courts nationwide

Across the U.S., advocates have sued over dozens of abortion laws.

In 2019, the Iowa Supreme Court blocked a law prohibitin­g abortion once cardiac activity can be detected, which occurs after about six weeks of pregnancy and often before women know they are pregnant. Officials in the Republican-dominated state have been pushing to overturn that ruling.

On Tuesday, the issue went before the state Supreme Court, where all seven justices are GOP appointees. A decision is expected this summer.

Also on Tuesday, a Montana judge denied Planned Parenthood of Montana’s request to preemptive­ly block legislatio­n that would ban dilation and evacuation abortions, the kind most commonly used in the second trimester of pregnancy. Opponents said they wanted to act quickly because the law would take effect immediatel­y if Gov. Greg Gianforte signs it. Gianforte has previously approved other abortion restrictio­ns.

Lawmakers nationwide: What’s next?

Nebraska lawmakers advanced a bill on Wednesday that would ban abortion once cardiac activity can be detected.

In February, the South Carolina Senate passed such a ban. The same month, the House approved one that would apply throughout pregnancy. The two chambers have not yet negotiated which version to send to the governor.

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