The Oklahoman



Dieting is great as long as you’re losing weight. But many dieters hit plateaus, long periods in which they can’t seem to lose an ounce despite eating right and exercising. Life Fitness, a manufactur­er of gym-quality exercise equipment, suggests varying your workout routine can help you avoid plateaus.

“Most clubs offer a wide range of classes for all fitness levels and interests like group cycling, boot camp, power yoga or a kickboxing class,” according to a Life Fitness news release. “Sign up for a class to mix up your routine or, better yet, do a different workout each day. It’s important to have fun, try new things and change fitness routines often.” Here are some options:

Cardio workouts do wonders for your heart and endurance, but they’re not enough. Adding strength training to the mix brings added health benefits, such as a higher metabolism and slower aging. Classes incorporat­e a variety of accessorie­s, including medicine balls, Bosu balls, hand weights, kettlebell­s and resistance bands.

Yoga is a popular discipline for improving flexibilit­y and reducing stress. It comes in many flavors, from beginning classes to those that would challenge even yoga masters. Avoid yoga classes that are beyond your current abilities, as you could get hurt. Gradually work your way to more difficult levels as your abilities grow.

If you want to remain fit and mobile throughout your life, you need to focus on your core muscle groups. Working with a group fitness instructor can strengthen your midsection and help prevent back pain. Try Pilates or a core boot camp class for an intense workout.

Zumba and other dance-oriented aerobic programs remain popular. “These fun, bootyshaki­ng workouts don’t require prior dance experience and are a great form of cardio,” the release notes. Barre classes incorporat­e ballet-like moves that “firm your thighs and buns and tighten your core.”

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