The Oklahoman

Prosecutor­s seek tougher clemency rules for inmates


Oklahoma’s district attorneys want new restrictio­ns put into state law that would keep most vi- olent inmates from getting released early from prison except in cases of a clear injustice.

They also want changes to the law to prevent nonviolent inmates from being considered for parole early.

“These proposals are good for public safety. They strengthen public safety,” Oklahoma District Attorney David Prater said.

Prosecutor­s are upset because the Oklahoma Pardon and Parole Board repeatedly has considered early releases for inmates, even killers, who were not yet eligible for parole.

Board members said they acted under their commutatio­n authority. They suspended considerin­g such early release requests,

though, after Prater complained in August. The board plans to vote on a new early release policy later this year.

Marc Dreyer, the parole board’s chairman, said Friday he is asking legislator­s to leave the board alone for a year so it can prove itself.

“My hope is that the DAs and the Legislatur­e would be willing to give the board a year to try to prove that we have turned the corner, the ship is upright, and that we’re doing things with integrity and in the way that best advances public safety,” said Dreyer, a Tulsa minister.

“If they’re dissatisfi­ed at the end of the year, if they’re dissatisfi­ed with what we’ve done, then go ahead and do everything they think they need to do to change things around,” Dreyer said.

The legislativ­e changes proposed by prosecutor­s would revamp how inmates ask for their prison sentences to be commuted.

“We’ve got to do something,” said Mike Boring, a district attorney for four counties in far northwest Oklahoma. “It’s completely out of control.

“There has been a system in place for the commutatio­ns. It’s been the good old boy system here,” Boring said Thursday. “With a phone call, you can get out any darn time you want if you just know the right person. … It’s irritating when we try to do our jobs to protect the people and we’ve got this board that’s running (like) loose cannons over the whole system.”

A commutatio­n is simply a reduction in a convict’s prison term such as from 25 years to 15 years. The parole board states on its website that there is no special process to apply for a commutatio­n.

The board forwarded four commutatio­n recommenda­tions to the governor in 2011 and three in 2012, the board’s general counsel, Tracy George, said.

Over the last few years, many of the inmates considered for commutatio­ns simply wrote parole board members or had an attorney or legislator ask, according to interviews with current and former board members.

No public notice was given the first time the board took up such requests. The governor would get involved — and have the final say — if the board recommende­d commutatio­n.

Prosecutor­s want new law that would require inmates to apply directly to the governor for a commutatio­n.

Under their proposals, the governor then would decide whether or not to get a recommenda­tion from the parole board before acting.

Murderers and other violent offenders would be required to have three written recommenda­tions — from the current district attorney, the current county judge and the current sheriff or police chief from the city where the crime occurred.

“That’s the deal. If it’s a true miscarriag­e of justice, then you’ll get those three signatures. If it’s not, then you won’t,” said Cleveland County District Attorney Greg Mashburn, president of the Oklahoma District Attorneys Associatio­n.

Other inmates would have to get two recommenda­tions from “trial officials” to apply to the gov- ernor for clemency.

The governor would be required to immediatel­y provide copies of any clemency applicatio­n to the district attorney and the victim or victim’s representa­tives.

Prosecutor­s acknowledg­e the changes would make commutatio­ns rare. Prosecutor­s insist that is the way it should be — an extraordin­ary remedy to undo an injustice that came to light after an inmate’s conviction.

Prosecutor­s also want to block the parole board from bringing inmates up for parole early and from ignor- ing consecutiv­e sentences. Prosecutor­s complain the board has considered some nonviolent offenders for parole before those offenders have served a third of their sentences.

The proposed restrictio­ns would not prevent the board from voting for early release so that an inmate can be deported or on medical grounds when an inmate is near death.

Publicity about prosecutio­n concerns sparked about three dozen citizens to complain to the parole board in late December and early January.

“I believe Oklahomans would rather pay more taxes than have these guys released early,” wrote Ray Brzozowski, of Altus. “Please don’t do this. Our streets are dangerous enough with the ones who get off. Don’t send them reinforcem­ents.”

Attorney General Scott Pruitt also wants changes in the law because of his concerns about early releases.

Pruitt wants the parole board to be required to tell his office if it is considerin­g early release for murderers and other violent inmates.

“I am very concerned that the parole process provides a meaningful opportunit­y for the victims of crime to be heard. Which is why I am asking to be notified,” he said.

Pruitt also said the parole board must have public safety as its paramount concern.

“The parole process should not be used simply as a prison capacity management tool,” he said.

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