The Oklahoman

Lawmakers wasting time


Regarding “Bill would allow cities to ban or restrict specific dog breeds” (News, Jan. 17): Once again an Oklahoma legislator has introduced legislatio­n to ban certain breeds of dogs. Oklahoma has a model dangerous dog law that’s been adopted by many states and cities. Existing law has been upheld by two attorney general opinions — one in 2005 and one in 2007. It’s been upheld three times by the state Court of Civil Appeals. Sen. Patrick Anderson, R-Enid, should know that not only does the American Bar Associatio­n advise against enacting breedspeci­fic legislatio­n, but 18 states rescinded such legislatio­n during 2011 and 2012. All have reported that breed-specific laws do nothing to protect citizens against dog bites from any breed of dog. The Netherland­s rescinded its breed-specific law that had been in place for 25 years.

The key to controllin­g dog bites is enforcing the existing state law and promoting responsibl­e dog ownership. Many officials of Oklahoma cities and towns don’t seem to know the law exists. Surely Oklahoma lawmakers have more important things to do than waste time on an issue that’s long been upheld by our courts.


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Jeff Morphis (Your Views, Jan. 16) was out of line with his comments about U.S. District Judge Robin Cauthron, whose record of service to the judiciary is impeccable and certainly above being questioned by one devoid of all facts concerning a decision. As for Mike Morgan, he served the state admirably for several years, also a record above reproach until accusation­s were forthcomin­g — all except one of which was dropped. Cauthron herself said that Morgan was convicted on the one count of bribery on the word of a highly questionab­le witness. Why would Morgan not smile? One who is vindicated must surely feel some sense of joy.


When 20 children and six adults were slaughtere­d at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Connecticu­t, all of us were shocked and many of us grieved. But not those who believe that no tragedy should go unexploite­d. The bottom feeders quickly began to demonize firearms and turn them into whipping boys, rather than focus on the fact that the murderer was mentally ill, didn’t own the weapons he used and killed his own mother to get them. To paraphrase Sir Winston Churchill, a fanatic is someone who can’t change his mind and won’t shut up. We should stop listening to these people. And the media should stop giving them a free platform to spew their hate.


George Santayana said, “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” History is replete with examples of tyrannical government­s that banned weapons. The Second Amendment says, “A well regulated militia being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed.”

Simple. The Founders intended this amendment to ensure citizens could overthrow a tyrannical government and for self-defense — unalienabl­e rights. The U.S. Supreme Court confirmed this as recently as 2010. A co-author of the amendment, George Mason, said, “I ask sir, who is the militia? It is the whole people ... To disarm the people is the best and most effectual way to enslave them.”

There’s no liberty without gun ownership and the Second Amendment. This disgracefu­l attack on law-abiding citizens is dishonorab­le! The Democrats shouldn’t fret over the National Rifle Associatio­n; it’s the other 96 million lawful gun owners who will defeat them in 2014.

I was tickled to read Charles Wedemeyer (Your Views, Jan. 13) describe “Promised Land” as a “propaganda film.” He hit the nail on the head! I may never meet Wedemeyer but he’s my kind of Oklahoman!

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