The Oklahoman

Vote on uniforms will come soon


The Oklahoma City School Board will soon consider whether to implement school uniforms across the district.

Board members heard the proposed changes to the dress code for the second time at a meeting Tuesday night and discussed when to vote on the uniform issue.

The next meeting, Feb. 4, will fall within the 30day considerat­ion window required for policy changes. That next meeting after that would be Feb. 18.

But District 1 Board Member Lyn Watson said she would like to vote on the issue, and the Feb. 4 meeting will be her last before her term ends.

The board did not make a decision about when to vote, but several said they are ready to settle the issue.

Districtwi­de, 60 of the 77 schools require uniforms.

In other business

The Dunbar Elementary school site, 1432 NE 7, was declared surplus property. It can now be sold.

The board approved a partnershi­p with the Oklahoma City University Kramer School of Nursing. Students in the nursing program will be able to partner with school nurses as part of their community rotations.

The board approved using the continuous learning calendar for the 2013-14, 2014-15 and 201516 school years. The district began using the expanded calendar in the 2011-12 academic year.

Christina Holcomb has been hired as an additional assistant principal at Fillmore Elementary, 5200 S Blackwelde­r.

The board approved three large contracts:

Renaissanc­e Learning: $300,000 for computer-based math and reading materials.

Chickasaw Telecom: $240,000 for Internet and network equipment.

Follett Services: $212,000 for picture dictionari­es for students who speak English as a second language.

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