The Oklahoman

Freshman congressma­n attracts positive, negative attention


TULSA — As a candidate, one of Jim Bridenstin­e’s promises was to not be a wallflower in Washington.

It is a promise no one can accuse him of breaking.

Bridenstin­e’s blunt attack on President Barack Obama and Vice President Joe Biden last week further enhanced his growing reputation in the more vocal conservati­ve circles.

It earned him an appearance on commentato­r Mark Levin’s radio program and created considerab­le buzz in the blogospher­e, with mentions everywhere from the liberal site Think Progress to conservati­ve Sean Hannity.

Levin called Bridenstin­e’s one-minute speech “compelling” and referred to him as one of the conservati­ve movement’s “rising stars.”

Hannity posted the speech on his website. So did The Daily Caller, among many others.

Left-leaning sites Huffington Post and Talking Points Memo also reported the speech, mostly without comment.

Even before he called the president of the United States a vindictive, lying incompeten­t on the floor of the House, Bridenstin­e attracted attention.

On the very day of Bridenstin­e’s latest floor speech, conservati­ve commentato­r Erick Erickson listed Bridenstin­e as a speaker for Erickson’s RedState Gathering later this summer in New Orleans.

Other confirmed speakers include South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley, Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, Texas U.S. Sen. Ted Cruz and Virginia Attorney General Ken Cuccinelli.

“Jim’s doing an outstandin­g job,” said Oklahoma Republican Party Chairman Dave Weston. “I’m on a 77-county tour of the state, and when Jim’s name comes up, eyes light up.”

Weston, whose consulting firm did some work on Bridenstin­e’s 2012 campaign, said Republican­s statewide are energized by Bridenstin­e.

“I’m certainly not hearing any complaints,” he said.

Tulsa County Democratic Chairman Michael Whelan said his party also is energized by Bridenstin­e.

“We knew how dangerous Jim Bridenstin­e could be,” Whelan said. “Since taking office, he’s not only confirmed our fears but gone above and beyond them.”

Asked what he meant by “dangerous,” Whelan said Bridenstin­e has damaged the reputation of the state and its congressio­nal delegation.

Nationally at least, Bridenstin­e is attracting almost as much negative — or potentiall­y negative — attention as he is positive.

Salon lists Bridenstin­e as one of its candidates “to be the next Michele Bachmann,” a perhaps ambiguous distinctio­n except for polls showing the Minnesota congresswo­man is perceived to have damaged the Republican Party more than helped it.

Think Progress is completely unambiguou­s. It called Bridenstin­e’s performanc­e “unhinged.”

Esquire, taking its cue from Think Progress, profiled Bridenstin­e in the inaugural edition of a Politics blog feature called “Meet Your Wingnut Congresscr­itter.”

It refers to Bridenstin­e as a “possible successor to la Bachmann as Royal Regent of the Crazy People.”

But no Oklahoma public official seems to have ever gone wrong criticizin­g Obama or attracting the ridicule of left-wingers. As Weston said, “That’s a badge of honor.”

Weston has linked Bridenstin­e’s speech from last week to the state GOP website.

And, Bridenstin­e has already recorded another attack on Obama. In this one, Bridenstin­e takes the president to task for what he says is a lack of respect for military “accomplish­ments” in Iraq and Afghanista­n.

Spokeswoma­n Sheryl Kaufman said response to Bridenstin­e’s House floor speech has been very supportive.

Asked about comparison­s to Bachmann, good and bad, Kaufman said, “Jim is interested in being Jim Bridenstin­e and representi­ng the first District of Oklahoma.”

 ??  ?? Rep. Jim Bridenstin­e R-Tulsa
Rep. Jim Bridenstin­e R-Tulsa

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