The Oklahoman



A panel led by Judge Robert Atherton ruled Friday that Brady was mentally ill and should remain hospitaliz­ed “for his health and safety and for the protection of other persons.”


| Berlin — Police fatally shot a naked man who brandished a knife at officers in a landmark Berlin fountain on Friday, officials said. Passers-by reported in the morning that a man was behaving strangely and carrying a long knife in the Neptune fountain, near Berlin’s city hall, police spokesman Stefan Redlich said. Officers tried to persuade the man to put the knife away, but instead he started cutting himself. A policeman climbed into the water to try to stop him, whereupon the man advanced on the officer with the knife. The man was shot by that officer after he ignored calls to back off. Police said the man was believed to be a 31-year-old Berlin resident, but didn’t release his identity.


| Calgary — Six tanker cars that teetered on a partially collapsed railway bridge over Calgary’s swollen Bow River have been successful­ly removed. Calgary’s Acting Fire Chief Ken Uzeloc said the rail cars were stabilized before locomotive­s pulled them safely off the bridge Friday morning. He says no one was injured. The bridge gave way Thursday morning after most of the train had crossed. Five of the derailed cars had been carrying a product used to dilute raw oil sands bitumen, but workers earlier removed it to new cars. Uzeloc said no product was released into the Bow River.

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