The Oklahoman

New fire codes have impact


COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. — New Colorado Springs fire codes enacted after the Waldo Canyon fire are shaping home constructi­on in neighborho­ods beyond Mountain Shadows, where 347 homes were destroyed in June 2012.

The codes, made a part of city law in December, have affected new homes in hillside neighborho­ods across the city. Championed by Colorado Springs Fire Marshal Brett Lacey, the codes ban wood siding and decking, among other things, for homes in the foothills adjacent to forest lands, or the red zone.

Some developed areas, too, are slowly changing their constructi­on to adhere to the codes, Lacey said.

Residents have emailed Lacey countless photos of their progress — newly stuccoed houses, narrower soffit vents, all a part of the new code.

Just as after the 2002 Hayman fire, the Waldo Canyon fire of 2012 and the Black Forest fire have heightened awareness. Lacey and his staff regularly give talks to homeowners associatio­ns about the codes, the fire and how Mountain Shadows burned.

The home losses June 26, 2012, were caused mostly with embers as small as raindrops but whose power for destructio­n was multiplied when they came in contact with cedar shake roofs or wood siding.

The codes have transforme­d Mountains Shadows, turning it into an eclectic mix of modern and 30-year-old homes.

The codes are not retroactiv­e, and that has left many residents wondering if the wood-sided houses on their block could pose a threat.

Since the fire, more than 13,000 Colorado Springs residents have upgraded their roofing, according to the fire marshal’s office. At least two homes were rebuilt in Mountain Shadows with fire-resistant lumber.

And some residents, such as Mary Ann Collins, who lives on Ashton Park Place and whose home survived, have decided to follow the example of neighbors who are rebuilding. When her wooden siding needed to be replaced, Collins chose to get her house stuccoed even though the codes apply only to new constructi­on and rebuilds, she said in early June.

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