The Oklahoman


- BY PAT GILLILAND Staff writer

My Healthy 65 challenge — which began Nov. 30 and was to end Feb. 2 — was pretty much just a concept by Christmas. I was trying to maintain a daily attitude of gratitude and to refrain from complainin­g. But I had stopped keeping track of my progress toward accomplish­ing my goal. I was thinking about assessing where I was with it the first week of the new year.

However, before that happened, I had severe cramping that forced me to the emergency room that led to abdominal surgery and a whole new set of reasons to have an attitude of gratitude and look for the good in every situation. Even with a temporary (I hope and pray) colostomy, I know I am too blessed to be stressed.

I was basically healthy before my colon flipped out, and I’m basically healthy now. At least that’s what my surgeon says. I have a supportive husband, family and friends, including those from church, work, a 12-step fellowship and my always encouragin­g Facebook crew.

I have a job that provides flexibilit­y to allow me to be productive as I adjust to changes. It also connects me to insurance for which I am especially grateful at this time.

Wednesday, Jan. 6, seemed like one of the healthiest days of my life. I’d taken a break from work to be with my husband. We were making plans for a bright new year, with positive changes. We even went to the gym together, and I worked with a trainer for the second time. I was very excited about our healthy future.

Yet, before Thursday was over, I was in the emergency room. I ended up in the hospital, then had surgery the next morning.

There are many things I will never understand. I’m only human, so of course negative thoughts and frustratio­n can enter in when dealing with the challenges of sickness, healing, limitation­s, changes, health care complexiti­es, insurance, survivor’s guilt, worry about my husband’s well-being through it all, etc.

But I have too much to be grateful for to stay in self-pity for long. I know and am grateful for this: God never leaves my side. And I’m continuing to do amazingly well, accompanie­d by God’s presence, lots of prayers and angels on earth and in heaven!! An attitude of gratitude helps me not miss these blessings.

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