The Oklahoman



Q: When you think about the history of medical practice, railroads probably don’t come to mind. But why should they?

A: In the year 1900, one in every 28 railroad employees was injured on the job, and one in 399 died, says Jack El-Hai in Discover magazine. Brakemen lost hands while coupling cars, boilers exploded and passengers were maimed in derailment­s or suffered common medical emergencie­s far from medical facilities. The railroads responded by developing railway surgery.

As early as 1849, the Erie Railroad employed a physician, and by the Civil War, many companies had surgeons and other medical personnel on staff. They also began commission­ing their own hospitals, like the Central Pacific did in 1870 in Sacramento, Calif., and within decades, there were some 35 railway hospitals in the U.S.

“This is really the birth of trauma care,” says emergency medicine physician Ryan Stanton. Railway doctors promoted preventive vaccinatio­n programs and pioneered pre-employment physical exams, the developmen­t of first-aid kits and the diagnosis of colorblind­ness — a cause of fatal accidents when impaired workers failed to correctly identify colored signals. By World War I, railway surgeons accounted for 10 percent of the country’s physicians and provided care for 2 million rail employees. But the rise of public hospitals and private medical insurance plus the decline of railroads due to competitio­n from autos and trucks led to a rapid decline in railway medicine.

Q: If you’re an elephant determined to get food that’s out of your reach, what do you do?

A: Biologists from Kyoto University described two female Asian elephants at Japan’s Kamine Zoo that used their trunks to blast gusts of air to knock out-of-reach food into their grasp, as reported by Kaori Mizuno, et al., in “Animal Cognition.” The animals blew the food until it came within easy access, then slowed the blowing as the distance to the food became shorter, suggesting that they used their breath not only to retrieve the food but also to fine-tune the food position for easy grasping. According to the authors, “the use of breath to drive food is unique to elephants, with their dexterous trunks and familiarit­y with manipulati­ng the act of blowing, which is commonly employed for self-comfort and acoustic communicat­ion.”

Q: “Jeopardy” fans, you’re no doubt adept at providing questions for given answers. How about these? A: insects as a favorite food; B: cats sent into microgravi­ty; C: feral rabbits of Japan; D: fungus as a symbiotic partner; E: horse racing that scored her a first with this sports magazine.

A: For A above, the question is “What does an entomophag­ist like to eat?” (from Mental Floss magazine as reported by Lucas Adams).

For B: “In 1947, the U.S. Air Force did what with cats?” By observing cats in space, it hoped to understand how astronauts would also move in zero gravity.

On C: “Okunoshima, a small island in Japan, is infested with hundreds of what?”

D: “Woodpecker­s share a symbiotic relationsh­ip with what?” According to the magazine, “The fungi help soften the wood and make hole-boring easier for the woodpecker­s. Meanwhile, the birds spread the fungi to new trees.”

E: “Robyn Smith was the first woman to be featured on the cover of Sports Illustrate­d. What did she compete in?” Interestin­gly, horse racing Smith was also Fred Astaire’s wife.

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