The Oklahoman



Always fish with a partner, never alone. In the spring, always wear waders. Boot waders work best.

Use paddle pushers or kickers that strap to your boots to help control your tube.

Wear a rain jacket to keep your arms dry, as the occasional waves will get your arms wet, and it is a good wind breaker to keep you warm.

Overdress, because you can always take the extra clothing off if it gets too hot.

Carry a fishbag or stringer and tackle box that can be strapped to your tube. If your tube doesn’t already have a rod holder attached, bring a rod holder that straps to your tube.

Always take a personal flotation device. If the PFD impairs your fishing, just strap it to your shoulder straps on the tube and let it float beside you.

Carry plenty of water or sports drink. Just put the bottle of water in your fish bag or in the pockets on the tube. Before entering the water, check to make sure there are not large rocks or a stump that you might trip on. In the spring, you will ruin your fishing day if you trip and get water in your waders.

Make sure you have no exposed hooks in the pockets of the tube that could puncture it.

Always strap or tie your tube down in the back of the truck. They are lightweigh­t and will blow out on the highway.

If fishing early in the morning, make sure you have a small flashlight. A head light or one that clips to your hat works well. Carry fishing pliers and clippers. They fit easily in tube pockets.

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