The Oklahoman

Bombers strike Damascus as Syrian civil war enters its 7th year


Suicide bombers hit the main judicial building and a restaurant in Damascus Wednesday, killing at least 30 people and spreading fear across Syria’s capital as the country’s civil war entered its seventh year with no end in sight.

The attacks reflect a renewed effort by militants to use insurgent tactics against President Bashar Assad’s forces in a bid to recover lost momentum.

The first attacker, reportedly dressed in a military uniform, struck inside the Justice Palace, located near the famous and crowded Hamidiyeh market.

The explosion left bodies lying amid pools of blood and shattered glass in the building’s main hall, where a picture of President Bashar Assad hung on one of the walls.

The official news agency, SANA, said another suicide explosion about an hour later struck a restaurant in the Rabweh district of Damascus, an area known for its restaurant­s and cafes, leading to multiple casualties, mostly women and children. Syrian TV showed overturned plastic chairs and tables at the restaurant with bloodstain­s on the floor.

The Ikhbariyeh TV channel said the attacker was being chased by security agents when he ran into a restaurant and detonated his explosives’ vest there.

The bombings were the latest in a spate of deadly explosions and suicide attacks targeting government-controlled areas in Syria and its capital. There was no immediate claim of responsibi­lity for either attack, but other, similar attacks in recent weeks were claimed by al-Qaida’s affiliate in Syria, which has come under pressure lately amid infighting with other insurgent factions in Syria and airstrikes by the U.S.led coalition.

The al-Qaida branch in Syria, The Levant Liberation Committee, denied responsibi­lity for the attacks late Wednesday. In a statement released on its Telegram channel, it said that its targets are restricted to security and military installati­ons.

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