The Oklahoman

Recognitio­n for heroism, at long last

- Paul Greenberg pgreenberg@ arkansason­linecom

He was only a boatswain’s mate secondclas­s assigned to a repair ship in the U.S. Navy that fateful Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941 — but he knew how to obey orders and, more important, when to ignore them and act on his own initiative. His bold action would save the lives of six of his fellow sailors caught in the sneak attack on Pearl Harbor on that date, which still lives in infamy. The phrase was used by a great president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, to describe that act of premeditat­ed aggression.

Now, all these years later, another and very different president and commander in chief told Joe George’s story as he welcomed three survivors of Pearl

Harbor to the White

House the other day.

It’s a story with a lot of heroes and at least one heroine — Joe

Ann Taylor of Cabot, Ark., who’s Joe George’s daughter indeed. For she never gave up when it came to asking, even demanding, that her dad’s heroism be properly recognized. And now it has been.

The president recognized a couple of survivors of the attack who had made it to White House for the ceremony, Donald Stratton and Lauren Bruner, both of whom had been aboard the doomed battleship Arizona. “As Lauren and Don would tell you,” the president said, “they are here because one man, Joe George, stopped at nothing to save them. Joe George rescued the men that day. He is no longer with us but (we will) always honor and remember a man ... whose courage knew no limits. His name will go down in history. Joe Ann, thank you for inspiring our nation by telling the story of your father — a true patriot ... a man who goes down in history, really, with the Arizona .... ”

And what a story it is. Amidst the flames, with his own smaller vessel, the Vestal, connected to a great ship that would soon go down to the bottom of the sea, Joe George began by following orders and cutting the lines to the Arizona. But then he saw the men atop one of the Arizona’s towers and couldn’t bring himself to cut the final line and send them to their sure death.

Grabbing a rope, Joe George hurled it across the watery depths —once, twice, again and again till it finally snagged, caught ... and somehow held. The already battered, bruised and burned sailors who’d been trapped moments before secured what had literally become their lifeline, and then, hand over hand, began to make their way across to the promise of safety, with Joe George shouting encouragem­ent all the way. Dangling there 45 feet above the flaming waters, they somehow made it along the 75-footlong, weighted rope, making their escape before it came apart. Talk about narrow escapes, they made it, if just barely.

One of those rescued sailors, Donald Stratton, would write a memoir about the experience with the fitting title “All the Gallant Men: An American Sailor’s Firsthand Account of Pearl Harbor.” In the book, he writes in his own uninhibite­d style: “Had Joe George not stood up for us —had he not been a rebel and refused to cut the line connecting the Vestal to the Arizona —we would have been cooked to death on that platform. If anyone deserved a Medal of Honor that day, in my opinion, it was him. And I know at least five others who would second that.”

Joe Ann Taylor recalls her heroic father as a modest man who would have been surprised by the well-deserved honor he received at last. “He wasn’t the kind of person who ever sought attention,” she says. “He’d be grateful, I’m sure, that somebody was recognizin­g his heroics.” As for her own reaction to all the fanfare of a White House reception, she says she’d found it “very moving and very inspiring. I’m enormously grateful that my father’s story is being told.” Just as all of us should be grateful to her for seeing that it got told at last.

White House press secretary Sean Spicer resigned from his post

on Friday. And just for old time’s sake, he denied it.”

Seth Meyers “Late Night with Seth Meyers”

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